Ancient Sealed Demon: Kraken.

"Do you know what is going on?"

"How would I know?"

"I know it! Since this barbarian takeover, everything has changed. Things would never be the same."

"Yeah... I can't imagine the brutal response from the empire."

"I'm scared. What should we do?"

"You people are pathetic. What has the empire offered us since they ruled over us? Hmm? Nothing. We've lived like dogs every day, and when the monster beasts attack, we commoners are the ones forced to the battlefront to die first."

The Gray Pagoda State had been in a state of tension since its creation. With each day, the tension grew stronger.

It was so strong that it was suffocating; each prefecture was on edge. 

Many harbored thoughts of escaping, but when they remembered the vast chasm between each state, they were left helpless.

Moreover, the Celestial Heavenly Sect was reassuring the people that everything would be alright.