Emperor Huolong decree

Here's the corrected version of the story:

Three days later, the Huolong Empire was filled with new faces with extraordinary cultivation.

While the people of the Huolong Empire were thrown into confusion, the Emperor released an Imperial decree.

'I, Emperor Huolong, declare war against the enemies of the human race. The worshipers of the Bloodmoon Envoy want to bring terror to our land, but we will not allow them.

The 36th state has fallen into the hands of the vermin, and we must not allow them to spread any further.

Therefore, I hope my people will join this war against these vermin who seek our destruction. Anyone who joins the war will be greatly rewarded after its end.'

With the Emperor's decree announcement, tension gripped the land as the inhabitants believed the word of their emperor.

The young patriotic men and women voluntarily joined the army against the 36th state.