Killing the Shadow Guards Like Flies

At the border of the 30th state, or rather at the border of the Gray Pagoda state, the Huolong Empire Shadow Guards finally arrived at the river separating six states from the other thirty states.

Stopping at the riverbank, they saw a tall tower on the other side of the river that left their jaws dropped to the ground.

The tower was over two hundred meters in height, towering over everything in the surroundings.

"Captain..." one of the shadow guards called.

"I know. They've spotted us before we even saw them," the captain responded with a grave expression.

This was a covert operation, but with such a tower, there was no way they could discreetly enter the enemy domain.

"What should we do?" another guard asked.

All the shadow guards were silent, everyone lost in thought. The enemy was more prudent than they had imagined.

Finally, the captain said, "We go through the normal channel."