The Evil Plot of the Wu Ancestor.

The Blue Crystal City never thought their affluent lifestyle and peaceful existence would be disturbed by the mere presence of a random man through the space gate.

However, it happened.

The city was in a state of emergency, with every inhabitant in panic.

The rumor about the destruction of the Old Ancestor of the Wu Clan had spread throughout the city like wildfire.

In addition, all the overbearing clans that treated others worse than human beings had all been captured.

Previously, the inner city was filled with an air of supremacy, and those who lived in the outer city were filled with envy and joy for those living there.

But now, they couldn't be more glad that they were not living in the inner city.

The inner city had turned into a dead zone where merely flaunting your wealth might be considered taboo.

All the powerful clans in the inner city were dealt with so seriously that many pitied them.