Slum War Part 2

"Everyone, stay alert. They've started to move," Mr. Norman warned everyone and continued.

"Nearly forty-four of them are moving toward your location, including the guy with the scarred face, around five gunners, and one individual with K.R.A.K.E.N armor. Get ready, Frankie, and you too, Nolan," Mr. Norman informed us about the slave traders' movements.

I followed up with a question, "Does that mean around five gunners and one K.R.A.K.E.N-armored individual, along with four others, are still in the warehouse?"

"Well, Frankie, if you just do some basic math, you can figure that out easily without asking me," the old man said sarcastically and continued.

"Alright, everyone, we'll go with the second plan. Frankie, get the grenade launcher ready. We'll attack once most of them board their ship, and if luck's on our side, the gunners and the guy in the K.R.A.K.E.N armor who are stationed in the warehouse will leave once they hear the explosion. Then, me and Lucas can take care of the rest and go inside the warehouse to free the slaves," Mr. Norman gave us brief instructions and continued the briefing.

"Nolan, focus on the gunners and the guy with the scarred face. If possible, don't kill the scarred guy; try to shoot his leg. Frankie, don't engage in close-quarter combat. Use the Aquarius, assault rifles, and grenade launchers for long-range attacks. I can't talk much now; otherwise, they'll find our location. I'll inform you once they leave our field of vision. Nolan, keep an eye out for them and inform Frankie once you see them," Mr. Norman concluded the briefing.

"Alright," Nolan and I both nodded in agreement with his plan, and we waited eagerly for Mr. Norman's signal.

After a tense few minutes, we received his signal. "Alright, you two, they are out of our line of sight and will reach your location soon. Stay alert."

A couple of minutes later, Rex, who was standing next to me, perked up his ears as if he were picking up on something. As soon as I noticed this, Nolan started to talk. "Frankie, they are here. Get the grenade launcher ready."

Not long after Nolan's warning, I spotted them. There were enough people to constitute a small army, but what truly caught my eye were two individuals. One was a man with scars crisscrossing his face, giving him a menacing appearance. The other was a giant, clad in the formidable K.R.A.K.E.N armor, standing at an imposing 6.5 to 6.8 feet tall.

Regarding the armors themselves, the K.R.A.K.E.N. exoskeleton strikes an impressive balance between stealth and durability when it comes to its external aesthetics. Cloaked in a dark matte grey shell, it forgoes flashy embellishments, exuding a utilitarian aura that's ideally suited for covert missions. This exoskeleton is purpose-built, its design focused on practicality and functionality.

On the exoskeleton's back, there were two massive water storage tanks, flanking a medium-sized tank at the center. These tanks, reminiscent of those found on flamethrower equipment, are robustly built and securely fastened They assure an abundant, uninterrupted water supply—a lifeline for the exoskeleton's power source. These tanks stand as a testament to the exoskeleton's resolute reliability in the field.

Functionality reigns supreme in the K.R.A.K.E.N.'s design philosophy. The open mouth and nose configuration persist, strategically maximizing water storage capacity while ensuring efficient airflow. The exoskeleton retains discreet neural network ports on both the helmet and spine, facilitating seamless operator interaction with its advanced systems. Its prominently featured hydraulic joints, synonymous with strength and efficiency, make the K.R.A.K.E.N. the quintessential choice for missions demanding a potent blend of power and stealth.

But that wasn't all. The individual wearing the K.R.A.K.E.N. exoskeleton armor wielded a massive axe, just as Mr. Norman had described. The weapon was nearly as tall as I was, measuring around 5.8 feet, while I stood at about 6 feet. These axes matched the appearance of the K.R.A.K.E.N. exoskeleton armor, sporting the same dark matte grey color.

They resembled walking tanks, but what really caught my attention was their peculiar open-mouth and nose design. Back on Earth, advanced armored suits typically boasted built-in air purifiers to withstand chemical attacks. However, this world seemed to lack such chemical weapons. If I had known this before, I might have considered acquiring some form of chemical weapon.

As for the scar-faced man, he appeared to be in his late thirties or early forties. As his name implied, a massive scar marred his face, running across it like a jagged river. His hair and eyes were as dark as the abyss, hinting at an Asian lineage.

Lost in thoughts, my attention snapped back to the present as they began the boarding process. The vessel before us was of medium size, its sleek design suggesting it could comfortably accommodate between 150 to 200 individuals. My trusty grenade launcher wouldn't be strong enough to destroy something of this magnitude. I made a mental note to target their HydroVortex engine once they started it.

Nolan had already told me where the engine was located, and I waited for the right moment to act. When the ship's HydroVortex engine started, it transformed water into supercharged plasma. My plan was to use my grenade launcher at this precise time, causing a big explosion that would destroy the ship from the inside.

In this world, just like on Earth, ships needed to warm up their engines before setting off. This process ensured the engine worked properly by spreading energized plasma through its parts, similar to how oil works in regular engines.

As a few people got on the ship, I watched closely, my heart racing. The ship's engine made a low humming sound, indicating it was ready. It was only a matter of time before the rest of them would board.

After a tense few minutes, someone from the ship's cockpit announced that the engine had warmed up. They called for everyone to get on board. This was my chance. I waited, fully focused, knowing that the moment had finally come when the odds were in my favor.

A few minutes later, most of them had boarded the ship, along with a few gunners. Only the face-scarred guy, accompanied by around three gunners and six others wielding melee weapons, remained on the platform. The moment had arrived; the K.R.A.K.E.N exoskeleton armor guy began boarding the ship. This was the perfect opportunity. If I could take him out now, the upcoming fight would be significantly easier.

With determination, I readied my grenade launcher and took aim at the engine compartment. Without hesitation, I pulled the trigger, and the grenade found its target. The explosion was both very loud and blinding, sending the K.R.A.K.E.N exoskeleton armor guy hurtling several meters away. The shockwave left the others on the platform too stunned to react.

"Everyone, I'm going in! Nolan, cover me!" I urgently conveyed this through the communication device. Without wasting a moment, Rex and I charged forward. In his mouth, he gripped his favorite bloodied axe, ready for the battle ahead.

I thought about using the new burst or automatic firing modes Nolan had added to the Aquarius. But I realized they weren't very accurate. So, I stuck with the usual single-shot mode. I wanted my shots to be precise as we braced for the upcoming battle.

I aimed the Aquarius and fired at a guy's head. But instead of the usual explosive impact, the laser shot passed through his skull, leaving a gaping hole from which blood gushed out. He crumpled to the ground, a pool of blood forming around him within minutes.

The sight sent shockwaves through everyone. Panic spread like wildfire as they realized they were under attack from an unknown enemy. The scarred man attempted to restore order, He started to speak, his voice trembling with urgency, "Bastards, calm down. If we panic now, then the ene—" Before he could finish, I shot him in the leg.


He let out an ear-piercing cry, crumpling to his knees as blood gushed like a raging river from his fresh wound. Witnessing their leader being shot only intensified the panic among the group.

Yet, the scarred man, pushing through the agony, raised his voice, "Oi, bastards! I said calm down and check where we were shot from. The way they attacked the ship directly instead of facing us head-on suggests there are only a few enemies, aiming to eliminate as many of us as possible."

Despite the pain and blood streaming from his leg, he continued, "We just...just have to hold on for a few minutes. The explosion was massive and loud enough; I'm sure the ones in the warehouse heard it too. We need to buy some time." His words aimed to soothe the other slave traders.

I couldn't help but wonder, Wasn't he just a slave trader? He sounds surprisingly intelligent. Suddenly, Mr. Norman contacted me, saying, "Frankie, the people who were stationed here started moving after they heard the huge explosion. Me and Lucas are heading inside the warehouse."

Just as the scarred guy had predicted, their companions from the warehouse began to move. But as I thought about this, I noticed a couple of strange things. First, the huge K.R.A.K.E.N exoskeleton armor guy was no longer around. Just a few minutes ago, he had been knocked away by the explosion.

And then, one of the guys I'd seen earlier was missing. Initially, there were six of them with melee weapons, and I had shot and killed one, leaving five. But now, I could only see four of them.

As I pondered this, Rex suddenly sprinted toward me. Simultaneously, I felt an ominous presence lurking behind me. Swiftly, I turned to confront it, only to find a sword hurtling straight toward my face.