For Zaria

Four days later, Princess Zaria was getting irritated with herself for missing the unorthodox man who had become a part of her life. She had decided not to visit her favourite planes because everyone was still on urge about General Lombard's fall. They all expected Ranic to attack soon and expected the worst. The royals security had become high priority, she found herself surrounded by guards and would not dare risk going to the planes and have them see Oscar.

Oscar had not called since the day he made her the impossible promise. The rational part of her brain was thankful for not knowing his telephone number. She was certain that her treacherous heart would have called him already. She found herself reminiscing about their midnight calls and of course the forbidden kisses they shared.

It was just after nine in the morning when she mounted enough courage to leave her chambers to face her very depressing family. All they talked about these days was her wedding to King Vincent. Had her twenty-first birthday not been the specification on the treaty, she was certain that her parents would have moved the wedding forward. That was how desperate they were for King Vincent's alliance. No one was asking about her preferences anymore, the preparations were carrying on without her input.

The guards at her door bowed respectfully when she walked passed and followed behind her.

"Good morning," she greeted with a smile. She hated all this lack of privacy but knew that they were only following orders.

"Your Majesty," they beamed. The princess was their pride and joy. Not only did she light up their life's with her smile, she was their salvation from Ranic.

Princess Zaria walked down the stairs to find her castle buzzing with excitement. She found it odd that all seven of her kingdom's warriors and army generals were in attendance. Her mother had not said anything to her about them hosting, but then again she was always at odds with her mother.

"Maybe they came to pay their respects to their fellow fallen general," she thought but a lot did not make sense to her about that.

The generals would be at General Lombards home if they came to pay their respects not at her castle. She also found it very strange that they were all in smiles and raising their glasses as if celebrating something.

Her heart sank, fingers crossed, hoping and praying that her parents did not somehow find a way to bring her wedding day forward. She was still exploring the new revelation on getting herself out of the treaty, she needed more time.

The generals all stood up and bowed respectfully as she walked passed them to join her family at the head of the massive dining table.

"Zaria my love, the generals have blessed us with their presence today because of you,"her mother beamed, sinking her heart. Everything that excited her mother these days was about King Vincent.

"Because of me?"she asked, her heart already pounding.

"You, my princess have crushed Ranic and ended the war!" King Bradley bellowed proudly hitting his right fist against his left palm.

"May you live long, Your Grace!"the generals chanted loudly.

"Long live!"

Princess Zaria looked around. The maids and maidservants were also wearing big smile chanting with the generals.

"I am afraid I do not understand what all this means," she confessed.

"Ranic soldiers were stronger than us for the first time in two decades. They became more motivated and pushed through our borders after Lombard's fall. They took down a lot of our troops. We were at the blink of surrendering my princess," one general related the horrific events of the days before.


Princess Zaria was shocked. What the general was saying was not in keeping with their mood.

"Less than a hundred men was all we had. The back up troops were too far. We could see our shameful defeat, but you princess of the great Olympia came to our rescue,"the general continued, confusing the princess more.

"History books shall be written of you, Your Grace!" the other shouted while the rest lifted their wine glasses for a synchronised sip.

"What happened?" Princess Zaria asked impatiently making all of them smile.

"Over a thousand troops with your banner happened Your Majesty," the general who spoke first responded.

Princess Zaria's heart flattered out of control, her eyes widened and her hands shook.

"My banner?"

"Yes, Your Grace. Majestic, well fed and extremely fit. Their marching shook the ground. They carried powerful weapons I am yet to identify. The sight of them sent Ranic soldiers on their heels. Those idiots left their weapons behind and abandoned their stations," the general continued.

"Olympia flag flys over our borders again," he added proudly while the rest lifted their glasses again.

Princess Zaria wiped her sweaty palms on her gown and maintained a straight face.

"What did the banner say General?"

"For Zaria, my promises are forever My Love."

Princess Zaria violently coughed, choking on her saliva. Her mother gently patted her back and poured her water to drink.

"It seems Vincent has come to our rescue even before the wedding. Marius will never dare attack us again!" Her father beamed while the princess tried to catch her breath.

"Are you okay Dear?" Queen Helene asked gentle.

Princess Zaria poured herself another glass of water and gulped it down. Oscar had promised her to take care of Ranic. The banner was so crazy and something only he could do, not King Vincent as her parents and the generals thought. She could not help wondering how he pulled such a stunt and where he found so many troops. Her mind was a chaotic mess while those around her were in celebration mood.

"Thanks to you, Your Grace, we get to spend time with our families again," another general said before the chanting of her praises started again.

"And we get to attend your wedding,"another responded.

"To the royal wedding!"

"To Our Princess Zaria!"

To Princess Zaria the four hours with the excited and later on drunk generals was touching but also terrifying. She got to laugh, sing her kingdom anthem and even dance. Her kingdom was safe from Ranic, that was a huge weight lifted from her shoulders.

Too tired to dance anymore, she stood at the balcony and watched the celebrations continue. It was no secret that her people adored her. They would all be crushed when they discover what she planned to do. That they would be no royal wedding. She shivered slightly at the consequences of what her actions would be. She would be stripped off everything, banned or worse.

"Still, I can't wed that man whore!" her heart screamed. "I would rather have no identity. I would rather die!"