"They are great beings of light, illuminating the void with their virtue, enlightening men with their faith. Messengers of God announcing great events, they protect and heal men. They war against the Evil One and assist the gods. They are represented with a radiant white tunic, an equally white cloak, a sword or spear and a golden shield."
From The Forgotten Chronicles, Chapter 52: The Divine Hierarchy, Sister Freya
The majestic purple doors entangled with flowers opened again on the stoic Doloriel followed by a man with a scowl on his face, another with a playful, almost sarcastic smile, and a woman with short Venetian blond hair and a soothing smile on her lips.
The three angels stopped instantly when a heavy pressure stopped them in their tracks. This one came from a God with a red face of anger swearing some obscenities that not even his grandmother would have wanted to hear.
- You should have taken even more time," Adonai said in a bitter voice, a smile dripping with sarcasm on his lips.
- We apologize for that, Father Most High. We just had to wait for 'Monsignor' Michael to finish his lovemaking," admitted the angel with long, braided silver hair and an irritated hand movement.
- And you are the first to say that my dear Raphaël? Mh? replied the aforementioned Mickaël while finishing to rebutton his shirt, a smile in corner.
Raphael's forest green eyes tightened:
- You!
- It's good, it's good, tempered the third person.
- But Gabriel!
- That is enough! roared the Most Furious Deity, wheezing. Not even capable of behave like adults, you Archangels! Good god!
- Mh? My god calm you it is not good for the wrinkles! ape the archangel to the gray eyes of a false concern.
Not paying attention to the words of the pest, Adonaï a nascent moue on the lips was silent one moment.
- More seriously my God what do we make here? asked Gabriel.
Adonaï sighed:
- I arrive there...
- Oh? but who is this little beauty? cut Mickaël with a faking air of surprise.
- I...
But the god with the face of a youth was again cut by the almost scolding tone of Caleb:
- So you're looking for trouble! I... don't... Am. Not. Kid!
- The archangel replied with a sly smile.
God that this angel is annoying, he thought while throwing him a black glance.
- It is good, you finished to cut me the word? questioned the dejected god. Here is Caleb. Caleb here is Gabriel archangel messenger.
The woman smiled to him and nodded the head in sign of recognition then of his hand His Very Conscientious Divinity continued the presentations, - Raphael, he says by pointing the angel to the braided hair, Archangel of the appeasement and the cure. This one looked at him then turned away the eyes seeming not to be interested in the human with the heterochromes eyes. And here, finished the god by pointing out the man with the smile in corner, Michael Archangel of the protection. Let us enter now, in the heart of the subject. I know that it will not be easy for you, Gabriel. But Alew came back...
A heavy silence fell on the room, the fists of the angel with the lilac eyes tightened, her soft smile disappeared and coldly, she asked:
- Oh... Where is that asshole?
- He is...
- In my head," finished Caleb who had been silent until then.
Raphael's dubious look settled on Caleb, then on Adonaï and finally on Gabriel, while intentionally forgetting Mickaël. The silence of Caleb quickly changed then into uneasiness as if he had made a huge mistake whereas not at all. Affected by this oppressive silence and by the scrutinizing glance of the people in the room he frowned, throwing a black glance to his observers:
- What.
Sensing Caleb's uneasiness and in his great leniency His Conciliating Divinity postponed the discussion by promising him his presence during the exchange. Always on the defensive Caleb could not calm himself. At that moment he thought he perceived a distant voice calling him by a name he did not understand. His body began to sway and he collapsed like a puppet to the ground.
White was the color Caleb saw when he woke up. Lost in his thoughts about a dream that had no head or tail and was gradually fading from his memory, he tried to get used to the bright light. When his eyes got used to the brightness, he could study the room around him. He was lying on a huge cream-colored four-poster bed wrapped from head to toe in white sheets, his head resting on a gigantic pillow of the same color. The room, similar to a European bedroom, was presented in plain blue and cream tones and had some rough furniture. He then undertook a crazy mission, that of putting himself in a sitting position, which unfortunately resulted in falling instantly into the softest of pillows. Waiting a few more minutes, he repeated his mission which ended in another failure. It is only after the fourth time that Caleb succeeded in sitting down. Tired from this intense exercise, when nothing had happened but the strange heaviness of his body, he rested for a moment.
Actively searching for a glass of water to quench his thirst, he finally obtained the object of his desires. A glass filled to the brim lay on the bedside table beside the bed. When Caleb reached for the glass, his heavy, sleepy body got tangled in the tight sheets and fell to the floor. Shit!" he swore, sure of his fall.
About to fall, a strong grip barely held him and helped him to settle back on the bed. Finally seated, Caleb found himself in front of an angel with a face framed by beautiful blond curls who handed him the glass of water. Next to Caleb was a fox standing on its hind legs holding a tray of food to its little head. Watching Caleb with concern the angel suddenly spoke in a clear voice:
- Nice to meet you Caleb, I am Eheil. And this little friend," he continued, pointing to the little fox, "is Eun.
Since his arrival Caleb did not trust anyone as in "real life". And it's not an angel and a cute fox that would make me lower my guard, he thought docently. Eheil then gave him the tray. This one was composed of three circular dishes and cutlery positioned vertically. The largest plate was filled with tagliatelle and sliced tomatoes. The second plate had some fried carrots and zucchini next to small cubes of cheese and the third plate had a plum compote with dried cherry blossoms. All these dishes were nicely arranged to form half of a full moon. Carried away by hunger and without an ounce of dignity, he gobbled up the first bite without being asked. Who would poison such dishes! he thought, throwing his suspicion to the fish.
Consuming without warning the delicious food, Caleb choked on cubes of cheese a few seconds later, which were soon cleared away with a large glass of water. Suddenly Eheil asked him an unexpected question:
- Why these scars? There, questioned the angel by pointing of the finger at his collarbone.
- Why should I tell you? retorted this one, his suspicion returned. Where is my scarf?
Eheil not affected by the acerbic tone of Caleb, gave him the scarf that he hurried to wear covering his stigmata. Eun, the cute silver fox jumped on Caleb's head and started to play with his hair, diverting from the questioning. Caleb grabbed the little player, mindful of the food tray, and kissed him. Eheil continued in a calm voice:
- When you're done, I'll take you somewhere. Someone wants to meet you...
Caleb blinked. Finally some time alone," he sighed as he watched the angel walk away with his four-legged friend.