
Xie Shoushan was in a completely unfamiliar location. He was never too good at directions....hopefully the people who were following him shared that trait.

Xie Shoushan looked around him.

"Oh, good. A kind person is approaching me! I better ask directions to the closest town! I must escape the people who know my secret!"


Enter a wild boar! And, this one is hungry!

Xie Shoushan swipes his hands quickly under his chin.

"I am not delicious! No tastiness coming from the immortal daoist present."

How could Xie Shoushan think a boar was a kind person, you are very wrong this time!

Xie Shoushan then backed away...into a tree?!

Turning his head, slowly. No rapid movements will make the boar uninterested.

And then Xie Shoushan is face to face with a human! A very angry human too!

"Apologies, I did not see you there!"

Xie Shoushan acts as polite as possible, but the angry man looked like he did not feel that same way.

"Argh! I will destroy you!"

A impolite rude person appears. He will not give any directions to the closest village. Xie Shoushan has hit a rather tough posistion!

"Apologies I will be making my leave now!"

Xie Shoushan slowly tip toes away from the man, still keeping an wary eye.

"Not so fast! If you don't get clobbered by me you'll get eaten by that boar!"

The boar? How could Xie Shoushan forget, he sometimes is scatterbrained as well.

"I am not afraid of boars. The boar is gone, anyways. It realized I am not delicous."

"Doesn't seem that way to me. Turn around."

Xie Shoushan's head turns around.


There are no longer a boar.

There are multible.

The boars congregate into a circle around Xie Shoushan, with the angry man at the tip. Xie Shoushan might be in a worse situation then he had been before he had ran away.

"I am not afraid of Boars. They do not harm me if you have no ill means! I will just walk away."

One step.

*Growl, Snarl, Growl*

The boars do not looked pleased at Xie Shoushan's attempts at escape.

Angry man looks, a familiar frown on his face. He unsheathes a sword.

"You anger the boars, and that means that you anger me. I will not let you live."

"Unpolite! But the boars work for you....!"

Xie Shoushan has seen a shocking event unfold before his eyes!

With no other thoughts Xie Shoushan unsheathed his sword and put it before the eyes of the angry man.

"Introductions are the best way to start a fair battle. However, my sincere apologies when I obliterate you."