
I knew she couldn't say something like we missed you or I was worried about you because as a Fae she could not lie.

I smiled. "Thank you."

Once I was in my room, I looked at my eyes in my mirror and truth be told I had blue eyes.

I tucked my hair behind my ear and saw that my ear was nothing like how my ear usually was.

Papa stood beside me.

"Papa what's happening to me?" I asked.

Papa was a Fae, he could not lie.

We were bound my blood and ancestry to never tell a lie or we would suffer excruciating pains until we said the truth.

"You didn't take your medications." He told me. "Don't worry. Once we have it covered you will be going back to your real self."

I nodded and he left.

But why did I feel like who I was wasn't my real self?

Mother came in and put my hair into a single plait before the physician gave me my medication and I ate before going to bed.

Once the whole house was asleep, I picked up a dagger and stepped out.

I went to Elvira's room.

She was sound asleep in her bed undisturbed.

How could she sleep?

After what she had done to me?

After she had left me here to die.

I climbed her bed and in a second I was on her.

She opened her eyes and she shrieked.

I covered her mouth.

"If you scream, I will plunge my dagger into your heart." I promised.

She saw that I was not playing and so she relaxed.

I let my hand go from under her mouth.

"You are my own sister." I said. "My flesh and blood, yet you left me to die in the cave. You anndonded me."

She said nothing.

She knew better.

"I didn't tell papa anything." I said. "I could have exposed you, but I didn't."

"You can lie." She said in disbelief.

"Elvira I've been nothing but a good sister to you and you paid me back by setting me in a death trap." I said pointing the dagger further by her throat. "From now, you will never ever try to hurt me. Or I will expose what you did to Papa and you know what he can do to you. Do you understand?"

She quickly nodded.

"Was it only you that planned it?" I asked.

She seemed extremely hesitant.

I pressed the dagger to her throat so much that it smeared her neck and there was a drop of blood. "I asked you a question."

"It was mother and I." She said finally.

I felt my shoulders drop.

Mother had planned with Elvira to have me killed?

I knew she disliked me sometimes, I knew that she treated me differently from how she treated Elvira.

But for my own mother to have my sister send me off to be killed in a cave?

I shuddered at the thought of me remembering it all and soon a burning anger lingered in my throat.

My throat became dry.

"Thank you for your honesty." I said. "If you say a word about this I will kill you. And I promise you."

She seemed scared enough and so she quickly nodded and then I got off her.

As I walked down the hallway, I felt my eyes burn with tears.

I was weak, sick and completely useless.

I could have died today had it not been for the stranger who had saved me.

And as that it had been an enemy of my clan over my own family.

I wanted to fight.

I wanted to be strong and fierce.

I had no one to protect me. My own sister had betrayed me.

My mother whom I had worshipped, had orchestrated my own planned murder and my eldest brother was away in the war front, I had not seen Warren in years.

I felt a shadow and then I walked down towards our gardens and saw Magdou, our head house servant wilding a sword.

He swung it to the side, shot it over the air and then dodged.

He was practicing fighting. He was doing it so expertly that I could hardly belive it.

I had had no idea that Magdou could fight.

I just stood watching him in Awe until he stopped.

Then he finally turned the sword in my direction and he stopped when he saw me.

"Angel." He said. "What are you doing here? You should be in bed."

He sheathed the sword.

I walked up to him.

"You can fight." I remarked.

He nodded. "Not an open secret but yes, that I can do."

"How? Why? Only Faes trained in the Elmir army can wield a sword in such a way." I said.

I was a child, but I was not stupid.

My studying had made me understood much much of how things worked on Earth

"That is a very old tale that I can not tell." He said.

I looked at him and at the sword.

"Can you teach me?" I asked surprising myself.

"Why would I do that?" He asked me. "Your father would be furious and you are only a child."

I touched his arm, hoping he would understand.

"I'm always sick. I can not go out. I have no friends. I can not protect myself." I said.

I knew how many times Magdou himself had saved me from mother's wrath.

I needed this more than ever.

"Please, teach me how to be more than the sick child." I begged.

He looked at me and for a second I expected him to run off and report me to my father.

In a split second, he pulled out the sword and pointed it at my neck.

I tensed.

"You have to always be ready and alert for your attacker can come as an element of surprise." Magdou said.

And I knew, that he would be my teacher.