City of Skulls

Everyone was quiet.

Even the horses, as if they knew that this was place not to be messed with.

And I looked onward and saw more skulls, children's skull.

"The horses are tired your majesty." Someone said. "And with our weight on them as we thread on this path it's making it worse."

"We will come down here." Al said

He came to a halt.

And so did the other men.

He came down from the horse and gave out his hand to assist me with coming down but I ignored him and came down down by myself.

I landed on the ground on a bone and almost toppled, but he caught me in his arms.

I looked at him and then I jerked myself free.

I mumbled to myself as I maintained my grip.

"Easy." He said.

"I can handle myself thank you." I snapped and stood well on my feet.

He frowned but held the horse's reign as we walked ahead.

This was not right.