et his arms around me and pulled me up to his warm body.

"I'm awake." He said quietly

I nodded and I nestled my head to his chest.

I wanted to say something but I wasn't sure.

This quiet perfect moment of what had just transpired between us.

I didn't want to lose it

I didn't want to let go of it.

And then I remembered my foolish and stupid mistake.

What I had done.

How I had disobeyed him and not just almost gotten myself killed, but him too.

I sighed and pushed my head up to him as if, if I didn't then he would disappear into the air

He rubbed my shoulder and felt my tummy flip in excitement.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"O-okay." I said quietly and then cleared my throat. "Ok."

"I meant by your body. Are you sore?" He asked me.

And the it dawned on me that he was asking about me losing my virginity.