Cheating on a Test

Dae-Hyun had returned that night in a state of complete and total despair. Not only had his date been intruded upon by Alex, but he seemed to have made Dal angry. When he entered his family's mansion, both his mother and sister noticed that the man was particularly glum, causing Hee-Young to speak to her son about his date.

"Dae-Hyun, what's wrong? Did your date not go well?"

As much as Dae-Hyun wanted to just go to his room and bury his head in his pillow, he decided to vent his frustrations to his mother and sister, despite knowing they were not the most supportive type.

"I was tricked! Apparently it wasn't a date, instead Dal wanted to go out as friends, and she brought that bastard Alex with her! I don't know how, but he showed up in a Lamborghini, while bragging about his penthouse! At first I thought he had spent his life savings just to rent the damn thing, but he showed me the registration, which was in his name!"