Protecting a Pure Soul

The group of young idols, who were all aged between eighteen and twenty-one, gazed upon Alex with horror. They could not believe he had just asked them to strip. Who did he think he was? But when they saw the queen bee of their group laying on her back with an almost lifeless expression on her otherwise pretty face, they began to genuinely believe their best course of action was to do so. Especially after Alex raised his fists and cracked his knuckles with a sadistic smile on his face.

"I'm not asking twice!"

Once he had made this threat, the group of popular idols began to comply, and stripped out of their uniforms until they were all naked. Every single one of one of them was a world class beauty, but their personalities were all rotten. They all abused alcohol, did drugs, whored themselves out to the male idols in the industry, and had a holier than though attitude despite all of these vices.