
Alex sat across from Jade in a booth at a local diner. Though it was late at night, they had both ordered coffee, and had also ordered some food to go with it. Alex chose a grilled cheese sandwich, which was his comfort food, while Jade chose mac and cheese.

The two of them ate in awkward silence for some time, and it was apparent to Alex that the girl was looking around for something, as if she were paranoid. Thus, he decided to use this as an icebreaker in order to help Jade talk through her issues.

"I notice you are darting your eyes around, as if you are looking for something, or someone. Are you alright?"

Jade did not even realize she was doing this, and felt slightly embarrassed as she confessed to what had happened to her earlier in the night.

"It's nothing… I just ran into some assholes at a concert… I should have known a bunch of jocks only wanted me for my body…"