I Must Kill This Man

*Bang* the sound of the gunshot that was meant for Isabella's head rang throughout the dimly lit corridor. The woman instantly dropped to the floor as if she were truly dead. But like Alex had said, it was just a blank, and he had fired it from a safe distance, meaning that Isabella was simply acting.

Of course, it was too dark to tell that the girl was still breathing, or that there was not a bloody hole in her head, and before anyone could figure this out, Alex slung the girl's "dead" body over his shoulder, before bailing with a proper excuse.

"I need some time alone to properly bury this one… You all go on without me…"

La Madre nodded her head and agreed to this request before any of her men could question it. After all, she was in on the deal with Alex that would allow Isabella to live, albeit in a life of exile north of the border.