Sowing Discontent

The director of the CIA stared at the video in disbelief. He had rewatched it several times. Everything was going exactly as planned. The Death Squad which he had sent after Alex effortlessly landed in the courtyard of the villa, where they stormed into the building and made their way through its halls.

There was just one problem. Lying in wait for them was Alex, and the women he was with in the photos he posted on social media. Evidently, these beautiful latina women were all members of Los Zetas Panteras, and all female hit squad within the ranks of the last surviving cartel. 

Together with these women, Alex perfectly ambushed his CIA Death Squad, killing them all down to the last man. And the last words received on their helmet cams were a reference to an old cartoon. Spoken with a sadistic smile on Alex's handsome face and a smug look in his eyes.