Chapter 14: Two Truths and More Lies

I froze. The question wasn't unexpected. It hovered over my neck since the day I ran away.

The more important question was who was I? I thought I was human until my abilities put everything into question. The easiest explanation was to say I was a healer.

It wouldn't be a lie. But it wouldn't be the truth, either. I was so much more than a healer.

I looked down, away from the concern and suspicion lingering in Cane's eyes, and licked my dry lips. Exhaustion leached into every cell. I'd expended more magic today than I had in a very long time. The coven would sense it.

I had to tell Cane, but doing so would shatter this new life I'd come to care about. Yes, there were problems here, some of them more dangerous than others, but I had a home. One that didn't leak every time it rained, and I maybe even had a friend or two.


Cane's eyes flashed gold.

"He will live." His mouth turned downward.

"Better than live, I suspect."

A sigh escaped me.

"I'm sorry."