Chapter 41: Secrets and Seduction

My heart beat like a trapped rabbit. Sweat broke out onto my brow.

"Is this why you took me here? So you could keep me here until I spilled my secrets?"

The tone was accusing, but I couldn't help it. He'd taken me here under the guise of understanding him, but we both knew I couldn't find my way back without his help, so I was essentially trapped here.

"Not the main reason, no."

I took a couple of steps away from him and toward the door.

A lazy grin spread over his face. My stomach lurched. Why did I think he was s*xier than ever when I also thought he might kill me to get my secrets? What was wrong with me?

"Wolves like to chase, little rose. I wouldn't."

My heart pounded against the walls of my chest.

"Please let me go."

Cane rolled his eyes.

"Stop, Aspen. You should know by now I won't hurt you."

He rose in a graceful, liquid motion.

"But I've given you more than you've given me."

He stalked me, slowly eating up the space between us with an almost feline stride.