Into your bed

Chris raised the champagne glass to his lips, downing its contents in a single gulp. Suzy's eyes remained fixed on him, her curiosity piqued by his drinking. Standing beside Arthur, who had introduced her to the Onetti Family members, Suzy couldn't help but observe the scene unfolding before her.

Liam approached Chris, concern evident in his voice. "Maybe you should take a break and join Suzy," he suggested.

Chris's response was swift and firm. "I don't want to," he retorted, his gaze fixed on the filled champagne glasses.

Perplexed, Liam persisted, reminding Chris of the family surrounding him. "But they're your family," he reasoned.

Chris fell into a contemplative silence, his grip tightening around the stem of another champagne glass. Just as he was about to take another drink, a familiar voice cut through the air — it was Gabriel, his half-sibling, and close in age.

"Congratulations, Chris," Gabriel exclaimed, a warm smile lighting up his face as he raised his glass in a toast. "This is quite the unexpected wedding, isn't it?" he remarked before taking a graceful sip from his champagne flute.

Chris maintained his silence in response, setting his glass down with a muted thud onto the polished round table. Liam's curiosity got the better of him, prompting him to pivot and follow Chris's gaze to discern his intentions.

With a determined stride, Chris closed the distance between himself and Suzy, drawing the attention of the other family members who now appeared eager to engage him in conversation.

"We should go," Chris urged in a hushed tone, his fingers wrapping around her wrist. Suzy winced slightly as his grip tightened, the unexpected pain making her flinch.

"Chris, it would be wonderful if you could stay and join us for dinner before leaving. It's been so long since we all gathered," Chris' first aunt suggested in a soft and sincere tone.

However, Chris remained unresponsive, almost as if he had not acknowledged her presence. His attention was fixed on his grandmother, and he spoke with a quiet determination. "Suzy and I are quite exhausted. We really need to rest."

Arthur chimed in with a thoughtful hum. "We should see the new couple in the car," he said with a smile.

Liam, Peter, and Thomas remained grouped together, their attention fixed on Chris as he noticeably refrained from engaging in conversation with any of his family members.

"Chris' father should not have brought his wife and children here. I feel that's why Chris' mood is ruined," Thomas observed, his voice tinged with concern. "Look at his face. He is going to take out his anger on Suzy. I just pray that nothing violent happens between the two," he nervously added.

As the group observed the situation unfolding, Liam interjected with a suggestion. "It might be a good idea for us to see Chris and Suzy off as they head home," he proposed, his gaze following the couple as they made their way toward the exit.

Suzy was already inside the car while Chris was listening to his grandfather. Peter went to the car, to the window from where Suzy was close. The driver moved down the window upon Peter's instructions.

Suzy had settled inside the car, while Chris remained engaged in conversation with his grandfather.

Noticing the situation, Peter made his way over to the car, positioning himself by the window where Suzy sat. He signaled to the driver, who then lowered the window as per Peter's instruction.

With a slight bend, Peter caught Suzy's eye. "Chris is clearly upset due to his family situation. I'd recommend avoiding any questions related to them," he offered as advice, just as he picked up on Chris's voice nearby.

Curious, Chris interjected from the other side, causing Peter to straighten up. "What did you say to her?" Chris inquired, his tone carrying a hint of suspicion, prompting Peter to meet his gaze.

"Nothing, Chris. I told her not to anger you," Peter stated and approached him. He enveloped him in a brief but reassuring hug, offering a few comforting pats on the back.

"By the way, Liam and I have a little wager going on. Make sure you come out on top and get Suzy into your bed," he whispered discreetly, his voice pitched low. With that, Peter disengaged from the embrace.

A soft chuckle escaped Chris's lips as he cast a playful glance toward Liam and Thomas. "You three better be ready to see me bright and early tomorrow morning," he quipped, a smirk dancing on his lips before he slipped into the waiting car.

Stepping back, Peter distanced himself from the vehicle and rejoined his group.

The car drove out of the driveway of the wedding venue and soon exited the large embellished gates. A pin-drop silence exited between Chris and Suzy.

"No one came from your side. I wondered what your family is like," Chris initiated the conversation. "Also, I expected your male secretary to come. He would have been jealous to see us as a married couple," he said with a joyous smile.

"How much do you drink in a day?" Suzy asked an unexpected question from him.

"Why? Do you want to join me?" Chris inquired.

"I don't drink. You shouldn't either. You may damage your liver at such a young age," Suzy advised him.

Chris chuckled as he didn't believe her words.

"I met your siblings," Suzy stated, despite Peter's warning.

"And?" Chris arched his eyebrows.

Suzy met his intimidating gaze. "They asked me a few questions about you, which clearly I didn't know," she asserted.

"What did they ask from you?" Chris got curious to know.

"You have a girlfriend named Natalie. She loves you. She was destined to marry you," Suzy pronounced.

Chris laughed to hear her. "Natalie was never my girlfriend. Also, they are my half-siblings. From the next time onward, don't talk to them. I will punish you if you do," he stated.

"How will you punish me?" Suzy asked him with a confused glance as she crossed her arms across her chest.

Chris leaned closer to her, making her sink back in her seat. She found themselves in an intimate position and asked him to stay like a gentleman. "The driver is at the front," she whispered.

"So?" Chris asked.

Suzy didn't like the way he always responded to her. "Be graceful in your actions," Suzy answered and pushed him away. She was nervous and with each passing minute, Suzy thought how she would keep Chris away from her tonight.


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