
"Hello, President Onetti, sorry about the delay." Suzy answered apologetically.

"Suzy, remember to always call me, Grandpa." Arthur chided.

"Sorry grandpa, just out of habit it slipped." She apologized.

"It's okay." Arthur grumbled.

Suzy asked furtively, "Is there something urgent that you are calling for, grandpa?"

"Nah, just called to ask, when are you and Chris going for your honeymoon?" Arthur replied curtly.

"Oh that…" holding her tongue in between her teeth, she told cautiously, "Grandpa, actually I'm in a very important business meeting, if you don't mind, can I answer you later?"

"Yeah, carry on."

Arthur disconnected the call with a dejected face.

"Master, what did Miss Watson tell you?" Benjamin asked, with a concealed grin.

He knew she was the tough-nut to get cracked, but he also knew his master exhibited the ability to crack any nut, except his grand-nut.. Ahem… his grandkid, Chris.