Suzy Ignored Chris

Chris, who was a bit tipsy, decided to ignore a paper tiger like Damien. He stood like a statue with an intimidated look and warned Damien in a hush tone, "Back off, else you know, what I'm capable of!"

All he did for Damien to scurried off, was to look him in the eye. Damien cowered back like a rat witnessed the cat and Chris strode leisurely towards their room.

Just outside the room, Chris checked his pocket. Upon finding the small packet, he knocked on the door.

Chris waited for Suzy's response, stood outside the door for a while. He even tried to listen by putting his ear on the door. An attempt to just be assured that the lioness wasn't going to pounce him.

Once assured, he turned the latch and entered.

His line of sight fell on the woman's slender, fair smooth legs visible through the bathrobe.

He was so engrossed and awestruck in checking the woman out, that his movements froze at the spot.