Mad-woman, My foot!

Suzy didn't want to come across as petty but it does hurt her pride. Chris had not one but many suitors hovering around him every now and then. 

They as a couple despite developing a good bond Suzy was unsure of his frivolousness. 

Her trauma of abandonment issues had been a big deal and the moment she fell for Chris, it just reopened her insecurities trinket and deepened the once buried scar. 

The once numbed Suzy Watson had become vulnerable and weak in the name of love and family. 

Her reflection in the stilled pond water under the moonlight was blurry, just like her trust status with Chris. He had been unpredictable and she, being the cautious one, lost first when heart spoke. 

She was an emotional fool when it came to relationships. 

The prime example was of her mother, who stabbed her in the heart and back simultaneously but she couldn't overcome the fact.