I don't Need Your Pity

The next day, Atticus woke up and went through his normal routine before heading to the morning training session as usual.

He met Nate and Lucas on the training ground, and they exchanged brief greetings with him.

Nate, after losing to Erik, seemed to have been humbled. He was not as boastful as usual, appearing calm and quiet, occasionally looking at Erik with determination.

Lucas, though, was happy about Nate's changed attitude. He had grown frustrated with always having to rein him in whenever he wanted to do something foolish. Despite this change being at the cost of Nate's loss, he was still glad about his friend's change.

Atticus briefly shifted his gaze away from the duo and scanned the training grounds, searching for a particular red-eyed girl.

However, no matter how much he looked, he couldn't find her. Despite waiting until 6:00 AM, Aurora had yet to appear.

'She missed today's training session too,' Atticus noted.