
Magnus stood with an air of authority, facing Atticus, who sat cross legged in front of him inside a pristine white room.

He spoke, "Your current approach to your bloodline training suffices for now. We will divert our attention to refining and correcting the way you train your perception."

Atticus nodded in silent agreement. After he had awakened his bloodline when he was 7 years old, he had done extensive research on bloodlines and how best to train them. It was expected that Atticus had no issues in that area.

Magnus proceeded to pinpoint an issue with Atticus's training regimen of perception, "The problem you have now is that your sight has grown incomparably stronger than your other senses. You rely on your sight too much," Magnus explained.

"In order to correct this, you would have to completely forget about your eye sight throughout the duration of your training. You must learn to see without seeing."