Brute Force

The earth quaked with such intensity that it sent shockwaves reverberating through the air, jolting the assembled students from their momentary stillness.

Panic flickered in their eyes as they instinctively braced themselves for the worst, their gazes snapping downward to the source of the disturbance.

Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, the very ground they stood upon seemed to come alive, erupting in a violent upheaval.

Soil and rock surged upward, coiling and twisting with unearthly fluidity, ensnaring each member of the division in a web of earthen tendrils.

The earth wrapped around their forms, encasing them from waist to shoulder in a protective cocoon.

As they looked around at their surroundings, a small spherical long handhold materialized beside each of them, offering a sturdy anchor should they need to steady themselves.