
Atticus's routine had been exactly the same as before but now with one difference: he wanted so badly to unlock the gravity control ability.

The last time he had tried it briefly was when he had been inside the space elemental room, and then Atticus had felt that it was within his grasp.

He only needed a little push, but unfortunately, the time that he was allowed to be in the elemental room and the academy campus came calling.

Atticus could have decided to wait for the one week, but he was extremely impatient and wanted to unlock it as soon as possible.

It was also better that the academy had canceled all compulsory activities in order to give the youths time for themselves.

And so, Atticus had focused fully on unlocking the gravity control ability. Of course, he had trained other abilities too during this period. Apart from his suit, of course, he had been serious about not using the exosuit until he found a solution to the problem.