



The ground shook, the earthen walls trembled as two individuals walked through a large hallway in tandem with each other.

The first stood at a height of 6 feet 5 and had a face as though carved by the gods with thorough attention, handsome as it was enchanting. A pair of piercing blue eyes that seemed able to pierce through anything.

This figure was donned in a dark blue trench coat that seemed to flutter as though caught in an invisible breeze as he walked, a normal-looking katana strapped to his waist.

His every step was precise and measured, his form radiating an aura of unflinching confidence.

The second, walking in tandem, had a more petite appearance and was donned in a simple red robe with fiery imprints adorned around it, adding to the fierceness of her crimson eyes. On her wrists were two golden bracelets, each emanating an incredible aura.