

This was the emotion most of the leaders of the races of Eldoralth felt.

Atticus had just left the meeting without a word, taking along the other paragons of humanity. It was disrespectful on so many levels; however, none of them cared about that right now.

He had signed the contract, that alone was enough to shock them into silence.

Were the reports wrong about him?

Azrakan's mind had already begun spinning. Before, at the Nexus, Atticus had achieved grandmaster+ rank strength.

While he had managed to defeat his son, Carius, Azrakan hadn't taken him seriously for simple reasons: in the grand scheme of things, he was still a minor player.

To paragons, only beings of their strength had any right to be their enemy. This had been the case for most of the other races.

Now, Atticus had just achieved that feat. Now, he was an enemy Azrakan had no plans to underestimate.