
Atticus's foot landed.

A simple step. Nothing more.

And yet…

The cheers stopped.

The voices of millions cut off in an instant, as though the air itself had been stolen from their lungs.

The figures of Kael and Kahn still rushed toward him, the division leaders still ascended the mountain, but then—

The world slowed.

It started small.

A single quake.

A vibration so deep, so primal, it felt like a heartbeat. A pulse that synchronized with every single person on the mountain range, as though the very land beneath them had come alive.



They spidered outward from Atticus's foot, tearing across the vast mountain range, consuming everything in their path.

The lush green slopes fractured. The towering cliffs splintered. The deep ravines ruptured open.

From within the cracks, a blinding purple light burst forth, glowing like an awakening god.