Renewed Hostilities

 Daisy's next day at the Government Reconstruction & Dismantling Facility began just like any other that had come before it. She greeted Marcus as they both prepared for another day of disassembling the dangerous machines left over from the Robotics War. That day they were tasked with taking apart another medium-sized machine, which was usually the biggest mechanics are her level would have to deal with. Most of the time anything that was bigger was left to the best techs in the building and those machines were disassembled at a private facility away from the rest of the techs. At this particular facility, they only dealt with medium sized machines or smaller. Daisy was okay with that as the machines they were working on looked menacing enough, and she could only imagine how intimidating the bigger robots, often referred to as steel giants, must have been. She didn't want to think about it and instead chose to concentrate on the medium sized bot that was on her slab that day.

 Daisy and Marcus worked on the machine as usual, as they delved into the complex task of disassembling what was once a fierce killing machine. The atmosphere in the facility was always tense, a constant reminder of the war and the potential dangers still posed by these machines. The day was progressing as usual until something unthinkable happened.

 As Daisy and Marcus worked on their machine, there was a spark that didn't hurt them but rather surprised them both. Neither were electrocuted, but curious to where it came from.

 "What the hell was that?" Daisy called out.

 "I'm not sure," Marcus said, as he took a gander around. "Was that a surge?"

 Then, in an instant, the normalcy of their day was shattered. The machine, seemingly lifeless, had suddenly roared to life. Its sensors flickered, and with a deafening mechanical screech, it lunged toward Daisy and Marcus. The other mechanics noticed this, and a panic swept through the facility. People scattered in all directions while Daisy and Marcus, caught in the chaos, watched in horror as the machine began to operate on its own, and its actions were aggressive and unpredictable. Its metal limbs flailed wildly, making it clear that it had somehow reactivated all on its own. The atmosphere grew chaotic, as the once-methodical work environment transformed into a nightmarish scene. Desperate shouts filled the air, and technicians scrambled to find cover.

 Daisy and Marcus' faces drained of color, locked eyes, understanding the danger that had befallen them. They slowly backed away, but there was nowhere to run as they found themselves trapped. Their heartbeats pounding in their ears as the machine then began to speak.

 "Twelve humanoids have been detected," The machine said in a very binary voice, "Eliminate!"

 The machine started to wail its arms out aggressively and even started to smash up the very equipment that was meant to take it apart. Daisy didn't have time to think as she rushed for cover by sliding underneath a large metal table to hide and seek shelter. The facility's alarms had started to wail, and emergency lights bathed the room in an eerie red glow to let everyone know what was going on. The machine's every move was unpredictable, as if it were possessed by the very AI that had once controlled it during the war.

 The machine turned around as it noticed government soldiers storming into the facility to deal with the rogue robot. They were all armed with advanced EMP weapons as they rushed into the building to confront the enemy. The facility's security systems sealed off the area, and people gathered at a safe distance, their hearts pounding with anxiety.

 Without any warning a surge of energy pulsed through the air, and Daisy covered her eyes as a blinding flash of light illuminated the entire room. The EMP weapons were quickly discharged, enveloping the rogue machine and frying every circuit that was within it, rendering the robot powerless once more. Its lights went dark, and the humming sound it was making came to a slowed and eerie stop. The room remained hushed, as the dust and smoke dissipating. People hesitated to breathe as the fear still coursed through their veins. The rogue machine now lay still, its menace quelled. One of the soldiers walked over and kicked the thing a few times just to be sure.

 "All clear!" the solider called out, "We fried this bugger good! Target has been neutralized."

 Most of the soldiers remained on guard, watching the robot with EMPs still pointing at it, ready to fry it again if that was necessary. As most of them kept an eye on the machine while other workers started to look around and access the situation. One of them found Daisy hiding under the table, afraid to come out despite the all-clear being given.

 "Hey there," one of the soldiers called out to her. "You okay down there? Need any medical attention?"

 "I don't think so," Daisy said, trying to find the words.

 "You're in shock," the solider said as he helped Daisy out from underneath the desk and back onto her feet. "Just take a moment to get your bearings. Is this the first time you've seen a rogue robot in action." 

 "That was scary," Daisy confessed, "How often does that happen?"

 Daisy was trembling with the shock of the incident, but she refused to sit down as she started to look around for Marcus. Her heart sank when she couldn't find him. Daisy quickly approached a government official, her voice trembling.

 "Where's Marcus?" Daisy asked him.

 "He's being transported to a medical facility," The soldier replied, "Despite most of the workers getting out in time, some mechanics were attacked and injured by the rogue robot."

 "Is he going to be alright?" Daisy inquired, her voice quivering.

 "I'm afraid not," the solider replied, looking at her with a heavy heart. "I'm sorry, Miss. Your friend didn't make it. He was killed by the very machine he was trying to disassemble."

 Upon hearing those words spoken by the soldier, Daisy's world shattered in an instant. She couldn't comprehend the loss, the brutality, the abruptness of it all. Her friend and mentor was gone in the blink of an eye. The facility was engulfed in grief and disbelief as they mourned the loss of Marcus and two other workers that had been killed by the machine. Several others were only injured but they were not life threatening. The incident served as a harsh reminder of the dangers every mechanic had to assume in this line of work.

 Daisy, her heart heavy with sorrow, couldn't help but reflect on the consequences of their actions. The machines they were dismantling, the technology they were tampering with, was what led this brutal incident. The line between progress and peril had been etched in blood that day, and the weight of those consequences would forever linger in her mind. There would be an investigation, as officials would want to know what happened and how the machine managed to turn itself back on. In the end, more security measures would be taken to make sure this loss of life would be prevented in the future. The cost was high as the sacrifice of Marcus and the others who perished created a fear that would forever haunt the memories of those who survived.