Yun Haoran

A humanoid being 50 meters in height stood tall with 3 pairs of eyes and a mouth on its stomach. It was blood-red in color and had a human face on both chests.

It had three pairs of hands and wore nothing but a collar with its neck that its private can even be seen and a spear that had a murderous intent on it.

"Devil Sacramage. It's been a decade since I saw one. Did you know, I cut 4 of its arms and blinded 2 of its eyes. Hahaha. Oh, before I forget, I also slash that thing." Yun Haoran said while looking at the towering flesh of a monstrosity.

A taunt like that is the reason why he was alive that day. A day where thousands of Qi Sea and Meridian Opening Devils had been killed. The one that causes that slaughter stands on a mountain of flesh and a pool of blood.

Even those who saw him as a rival cannot withstand that image that nearly broke their Dao Heart. Some had their hearts strengthened and their powers became powerful but that's all.

The Grotto Heaven didn't reply because a slap targeted Yun Haoran. Yun Haoran only smiled and greeted the slap with the White Spear's slash. The White Spear shone with light but without any intent can be felt.

All the Devil's attacks had the power of Devourment, it can absorb an attack and return it. They also have the power to pull something closer for their attack to have more power than usual.

Perhaps it was bait because the next second, a murderous spear wanting to pierce him had closed on his head. There is also more murderous intent wanting to attack him back and forth. Yun Haoran takes it easy and uses the spear to create a turnaround attack where he slashes on all sides.

That White Spear attack slices through the attacks and in the next few seconds explosions had been created from the surrounding.

"This is lukewarm. Then I'll attack next." Yun Haoran ridiculed as the Devils who are fighting Blackie now have more ferocious attacks. To even say that their attacks are that lukewarm, it can be said that their cultivation techniques are the easiest.

This is true on how straightforward it was but to say it to them on their face is a humiliation. Even if it is straightforward, their attacks can tear apart anything in existence until they have been devoured by them.

Devils are the plague of Heaven and Earth. They devoured the essence, qi, and spirit of all things in this world. Their powers are innate because those who fall into darkness and have their Dao Heart shattered would try their hands at Devouring. They have all the Darkest Karma known in existence.

Yun Haoran disappeared and appeared on the Grotto Heaven, the Grotto Heaven used his palm and strike on his stomach. Yun Haoran defended the palm instead, when it collided, it created a green aura and a black red aura. It also created a space between the two.

"The Taste of Life. If I were to devour you, would I advance in Primordial Soul, hmm?" The Grotto Heaven said as he licked his lips in delight. He was not taunting but the Life Aura he felt towards Yun Haoran is the sweetest delight he ever tasted. If he somehow devoured Yun Haoran, he would become more ferocious.

Like a guy who only eats shit his whole life then he tasted a gourmet only for Emperors. He could not return but just to devour that gourmet.

"If." Yun Haoran simply replied. He then attacked again ferociously while he was being attacked by the Devil Sacramage.

'I wanted to do that but it cannot be helped. The Devil would be more ferocious if I did that.' He thought to himself.

Yun Haoran disappeared and appeared at the head of the Grotto Heaven. The Grotto Heaven smiled disdainfully and punched in the air which caused the wind to gather and create a typhoon. Yun Haoran dodged them and used a kicking stance where he landed a kick on the head of the Grotto Heaven.

That kick became a weapon capable of splitting the Heavens, it transformed into an axe that could sunder everything.

The Grotto Heaven created a barrier in his head but when Yun Haoran landed on the barrier, the Grotto Heaven descended and the forest where they were fighting had an explosion that caused total destruction on the trees nearby.

A Grotto Heaven cannot be a Grotto Heaven when a Qi Sea Cultivator can easily defeat them. A normal Qi Sea would be defeated by a Grotto Heaven with a snort but Yun Haoran is an abnormal existence to begin with.

"You become a Body Cultivator?" The Grotto Heaven cannot believe what he discovered. Someone with that kind of power and also a Body Cultivator.

"You are far more dangerous, I'll kill you here and now." He added.

The Devil Sacramage then squats him like a fly but Yun Haoran punches him in the face. The Devil Sacramage didn't expect him to appear but it was too late because Yun Haoran punched it and the weight of a mountain descended on the Sacramage.

"This is amazing, isn't it? Hahahaha." Yun Haoran laughed and he slashed the White Spear into where the Grotto Heaven is supposed to be but something blocked him because the Grotto Heaven appeared before him stopping the initial slash.

Yun Haoran then used a technique to bind the Devil Sacramage to its foot. It then encircled the Devil until on its stomach where it now was trying to break free to no avail.

"That damned technique suits you, bastard." The Grotto Heaven said while he looked at his Devil Sacramage being bound from head to toe and he cannot do anything but watch until it binds its hands.

The Devil Sacramage is trying to break free from the binding but it cannot do it because of some unknown reasons. Even its owner had only been watching it transform into a huge tree-like something.

"You are a hypocrite. You are a better devil than us. Damn bastard." The Grotto Heaven added as his eyes became more blood red.

"Oh, I am not that evil though? I didn't eat children or any newborn or even taste the blood of a pregnant woman. Don't make me look like the bad guy." Yun Haoran replied with a smile on his face. They are now conversing while Whitey runs off to Blackie.

Yun Haoran sensed something would go wrong. He let Whitey help his Brother first to not let any mishaps happen. If anything goes wrong, he would be fine at the very least.

"But you are devouring someone who did. You are becoming one with us and in the future, you would devour this world like our Ancestors wanted it to be." The Grotto Heaven said as he looked at Yun Haoran like looking at his own. Perhaps he was influencing Yun Haoran to become one of them.

"No, I am good. To devour a world? That is not my goal. I am Yun Haoran and not some Devil Ancestor." Yun Haoran said as he smiled. He was Yun Haoran because it is him and not someone else. A personality cultivated throughout his first and second life.

"So be it." The Grotto Heaven then punched Yun Haoran in the face but Yun Haoran gained an invisible shield where the Devil's attack did not work.

"To stop the Devouring Punch with energy, you are bold Yun Haoran." Grotto Heaven laughed as he kicked Yun Haoran and was stopped again by an invisible shield.

"Just created this, is it great? Do you have any suggestions for further improvements?" Yun Haoran asked while looking at the Devil.

"You are a monster." The Grotto Heaven murmured then an attack with Devouring and Slaughtering elements became more prominent which broke the Barrier.

The Grotto Heaven smiled with a wicked expression.

"It needed improvement, noted." Yun Haoran nodded his head as he punched the Grotto Heaven.

The Grotto Heaven knew it would be flying when he faced its head so it used his instinct to dodge but still, he met that punch.

Grotto Heaven was even amazed by the fact his instinct never worked and arrived at a conclusion…

'He has no fighting spirit nor does he have any other intent so instinct would not work on him. But why is this guy too strong? The Cultivation Levels would be completed with the advent of Heaven but he looks like he completed it. Damn bastard.'

Intents are what Cultivators are releasing when they are fighting. The more they fought, the more intent they could gather. A Sword could create a Sword Intent by practicing and mastering the Sword.

A Martial Intent could form by performing Martial Arts, and Murderous Intent could be created by performing a Slaughter. A human or rather all beings should have intent on them but Yun Haoran doesn't have any ounce of it.

The Grotto Heaven's Devil Sacramage had been encased. He cannot explode it because the one that bound it is not a simple root or branch of a tree. Yun Haoran used it to enclose the Devil Sacramage instead of Grotto Heaven and he was still controlling it the way it was before.

So the Grotto Heaven knew Yun Haoran was fighting him while using his mind to slowly refine the Devil Sacramage. He was taunting Yun Haoran's mind to let it out but he cannot do it even for a thousand lifetimes.

'There is no other way. It is still incomplete but this bastard is worth the gamble.' The Grotto Heaven thought as clasped his hands and a murderous intent had shown itself to the Empire.

Bloody tentacles showed themselves and the world became tainted in blood. The Empire shouted in response as their blood had been hijacked on them. Their eyes became bloodied and they thought it was the end of the World.

They all become malnourished and their eyes are seeing the afterlife. They have a little ounce of blood left. If not for the fact he was doing it, they would all die without a proper burial.

"Yun Haoran, save them you hypocrite if you can." The Grotto Heaven said while his eyes have a bloody nose and ears. He was sweating blood but his powers skyrocketed in response.

"Why would I, they are but a powerless mortal. I am still a mortal but not powerless though. Hahaha." Yun Haoran laughed as he disappeared, then he used his palms to slap the Grotto Heaven but he was wrong this time.

"Tsk." Yun Haoran added and then he received a slap that made him fly but it was a lower version of his slap. He was then stopped in mid-air as he looked at the monstrosity before him.

Black eyes, a blood-red horn, and 3 meters monstrosity. It had fleshly wings and two more hands. It had the capability of someone on the verge of breaking through but not enough to condense the Soul because no death had been harvested.

The remaining devils cheered but they were enclosed in the fight between the two. They are close to annihilation. If the two are not playing around, they would be dead without the thought of fear coming on them.

The monstrosity then laughed maniacally. He disappeared and appeared at the head of Yun Haoran and punched him. Yun Haoran became the punching bag of the monstrosity before him.

"This is why I hated Devils." Yun Haoran said while fighting back but it was useless. The monstrosity before him consumed the blood of countless but he was not finished because he wanted to devour the blood of Yun Haoran next.

The monstrosity transformed his hands into claws and pierce him where Yun Haoran's heart is supposed to be.

Yun Haoran only laughed as he closed his eyes. The monstrosity laughed out loud and tried devouring him from the inside but he felt something was wrong.

The monstrosity regained clarity and his eyes became clouded with fear.

"Yun Haoran, fucking bastard." The monstrosity can only regret one thing and that is to dance in his palms. He was then devoured by the Wood and the 'Yun Haoran' became a root of a tree where it assimilated with the Grotto Heaven.

Yun Haoran who oversaw all of it in the air had a smile on his face and he murmured, "Sometimes, I have pity for them. Do you think you could hide a huge formation like this and I would not notice? How naive."

He then spurted some blood and his body sported wounds upon wounds, the more prominent on his left chest where his heart is supposed to be. It is where the Devil pierce him.

"The clones are not yet perfect and I needed to sacrifice one. Nonetheless, no power loss." He smiled with a hardened expression. His wounds are slowly healing and the black fog that is trying to gnaw at him has also been extinguished.


Author's Note

I tried giving you a fight but I think there is no suspense. I apologize for that.