Path of Heaven

Li Chao looked around him with amazement in his eyes, this place had a buzzing of people and tall infrastructure just like the Mortal City he went to in his childhood.

He was lean in the Real World but here he was tall with a large frame because of his muscles that glisten in the sky. It was large as a stone and brown hair complimented his looks. He has no upper clothes.

Even with that kind of posture no one even notice him. It was safe to say, the people are not programmed to notice him.

He was amazed at the town brimming with people. He then greeted someone, "Greetings, Daoist. Do you have any idea where I am?"

[Talk to Townsfolk. 1 Point will be Consumed. Do you want to proceed.]

"Um, I don't really know how to use them but alright." Li Chao scratched his head, not knowing how to proceed even a little bit.

[1 Point Consumed. The first to talk to Townsfolk: Achievement. Title Achieve:

The One that Talk to Someone

You don't need to Consume Points talking to the natives of the Spiritual World.]

He saw the Status Panel and only smiled awkwardly. And he heard a voice that was directed towards him, "You must be here the first time, Adventurer. You are in the Yi Gu City at the Ye State."

"If you want, I have a map here. I'll give it to you for free for our eventual friendship." The resident then pulled a piece of rolled paper in his basket. He smiled warmly and tapped his shoulder.

"Thank you, Daoist. I hope for your health." Li Chao responded kindly. He didn't yet know the implication of the title he had.

Even in his previous timeline, he never said it to anyone nor did he have the sense to share it with anybody. He was always alone and because of that, his title is unheard of.

Li Chao then read the map. It was the map of the Yi Ge where to get supplies, buy items or artifacts or he could go to a Skin Shop to make his look more majestic.

Li Chao, the Warhammer Emperor. Known for his body with majestic tattoos, of many divine or demonic beasts depicted on his body. It was not known but he had a Supreme Master who taught him all kinds of Martial Arts. A sigh of relief when he did not become like his Master.

The Demonic and Divine Beasts are actually inscriptions from which he could borrow strength. It was also not known to this day but inscribing Formation on the body would become widespread in the Great Era to come.

"First, let's look at my Status." He mumbled while walking away from the crowd. He then said, "Status." and a screen appeared in front of him.

[Name: Li Chao (Defying Roar)

Rank: 47th Overall Ranking

Points: 245

Comprehension: 558(+)

World Tree SubTree: Seedling Stage: 789 (+) Model: Earthen God Tree

Level: Meridian Opening 1st Stage

True Level: Meridian Opening 5th Stage

One month to open Meridian Opening Level 2.]

"Hmm, too much disparity. I would work hard more to get powerful as soon as possible. First, I need to strengthen my Foundation more." He mumbled looking at his Status Sheet.

Foundation is not all about the vastness of Qi but how to use and control the Qi quality and quantity wise. How fast, pure, and how many it could turn into a full cycle. It is also about Qi recovery and Qi Resonance from how Martial Arts and Qi meet and resonate. It was also about how far they are in their techniques, intent and battle strength, battle instinct. There is also the Dao Heart and how strong the body is before breaking through the next stages of Cultivation.

"Hm, but what is this plus sign in the Comprehension and World Tree SubTree? That seed is actually the subtree of the true World Tree?" Li Chao mumbled faster than ever, his eyes had a realization on his face.

He started clicking the plus sign on the Comprehension first and another window appeared above the first window.

[Your Comprehension could permanently increase by 1 by consuming 100 Points. Do you want to proceed?]

"Nice, but not now. I think the Subtree is reconstructing my body or my whole being so my comprehension is becoming better and better each day. Let's try the Subtree."

He then clicked the plus sign in the subtree then an unexpected occurrence happened.

His eyes blacked out and he could not see anything happening in the surrounding area. He was in a state where he was feeling everything but he cannot do anything.

He then heard two voices. One is mysterious and the other is playful and bored. He felt he had heard these two voices before but he could not pinpoint anything.

"[][][], What are you doing?" The mysterious voice asked in an emotionless voice.

"Let him be. I saw his Fate, he has a special fate." The playful voice said, a hint of confidence in his eyes.

"Hm, you are right. But also wrong. You are not even cultivating Divination. Your true path is…" The mysterious voice said

"We have the same aspect oh [][][]. And I am not even destroying the Path of Heaven. As a matter of fact, I am making it more exciting. The Subtree, or what I want to call is one of them. If I am more powerful, I could even use it in Mortals but someone out there would blast me out of existence." The playful voice explained

"I don't have a plan for that not because of your status but if you intervened with their lives. They would have stronger Tribulation than normal. Are you willing to try it?" The mysterious voice said.

"No thank you, They would die and I am not sure how Mortals would mutate if I planted it." The playful voice replied.

"In the first place, why did you even call that cheap imitation the World Tree?" The mysterious voice asked with a kind of bewilderment in its voice.

"Cause I feel like it. It is not an imitation however but it may have been a part of it. I created it with the hope of someday becoming 'big and strong that could carry the Universe in its back.' A grand dream, right?" The playful voice said with a deep hidden meaning to it.

"Oops, we have a visitor. Carry him outside." It added with a commanding teasing tone.

"You don't need to tell me." The mysterious voice replied then Li Chao returned to his stupor.

He was back where the first time he was in that state. He could not remember anything and as a matter of fact, he was clicking the plus sign again.

Heaven would not let anyone remember what they had talked about meanwhile Yun Haoran would allow it because he felt like it.

The people around him didn't notice the peculiarities because they were only a systematic design by Yun Haoran and were created by Heaven itself. They are called NPC in Yun Haoran's previous life.

When Li Chao clicked the plus sign again. A golden status appeared but the two status sheets disappeared.

[World Tree Subtree: Model- Earthen God Tree. A new species of Spiritual Tree that had mutated because of a Spiritual Root. It had the potential to grow and absorb the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth. It gave the user a heightened absorption of Earth Qi. And also an indestructible defense for the body. Consume 10 Points to Permanently Increase by 1 Subtree Points the Subtree in your body.

Hint: The more Subtree Points you had, the stronger your foundation and talent would become.]

"Is this the true ability of that seed? That mysterious senior is truly unfathomable." Li Chao said as he went off to the more dangerous area of the map that had been given to him.

Contrary to his expectation. It looks like an ordinary mortal Forest with mortal trees and flowers that bloom in the area. There are also birds and insects he could see by gathering the Qi in his eyes.

There he saw two 15-16-year-old pairs of men and women. They are also surrounded by beasts of unknown origins. They looked like a blob of flesh that spewed countless affinities such as water, earth, light, thunder, and wind

The man had a chaotic aura around him. He has an oppressive might that could decide anything between Heaven and Earth. He has a crazy smile on his face while wearing a black robe.

The woman had an aura of unknown force that complimented the chaotic force of the man. She has a gentle aura while shaking her head.

Li Chao wanted to help them but when he felt the two looking at him with disinterested faces, he left them on their own accord. Their face says it all. "Come here and you'll know pain."

"They are not worth offending. And they are strong." Li Chao said as he scratched his head. Perhaps he was foolish in some areas but he was not dumb enough to pick a fight everywhere. He was also not friendly enough to maintain a conversation.

He then goes off to another hunting area where he sees another man. He was surrounded by those blobs of flesh. His eyes have Slaughter intent that could sunder and kill anything beyond Heaven and Earth.

Li Chao wanted to help the guy but when he saw the Slaughter Intent, he backed off really well. An intent at this stage 'He was either too talented or a Qi Sea Cultivator below thirty, either way talented.' He thought.

"I'll be killed. Better hurry." He mumbled. When he was looking for prey, he saw all the blobs of flesh without an owner. They are gathering and eating a beast that has recently died.

He then pulled something out of thin air. There a Warhammer appeared, much bigger and more domineering than him. It could be used to defend because of its sheer dominance. Its offense is very menacing because of its capability he cannot yet pull.

[Warhammer of the Earth:

Active Skill: Wave of the Earth.

With a wave of this hammer, it would call forth natural Calamities that could sunder anything between Heaven and Earth

Active Skill: Aggregation.

With a shout, you could call forth any opponents within your sight. It also empowered allies.

Active Skill- The Pull of a Star

You and your Warhammer would become heavier and would pull anyone within your grasp.]

Even with that kind of skill, Li Chao simply threw out his beautiful hammer. Then the blobs of flesh monsters had been annihilated.

[+1 Point (39 Points Gathered)]

He smiled satisfactorily while his muscles glistened in the sun. He was not posing himself but in this perfect body, anything could become a possibility.

"Oh, I could earn points while hunting monsters? So that's why those three are killing me with their glare." Li Chao thought with an understanding on his face.

"If that is the case, I'll hunt more monsters. Though they are all weak that could be crushed by my Hammer." He added while going where his hammer had gone.

He didn't want to use his Hammer's ability but it was still too weak. His hammer's ability would only shine when he was at Meridian Opening 5th Stage. His cultivation technique had a qualitative and quantitative leap when he became the 5th Stage and could decimate anyone below the 9th Stage.

It was because his cultivation was suppressed at 1st Stage in this Path of Heaven he could not bring out his Hammer's ability. Likewise, his Martial Arts that was the design of his Warhammer skills could only truly shine when he became a Meridian Opening 5th Stage.

"I needed to return to my mortal days if I wanted to become stronger than those at the top." He said with determination in his eyes.