
The Chaos that started by Gu Yan when he discovered the first boss did not diminish. It became more chaotic as the Second Boss and even the Third Boss all showed up. 

As far as Yun Haoran and the Heaven intended, the missions and how the rewards become more appetizing for all the factions involved.

Some mortals had the chance of knowing the Sect. There are powerful sects that use resources for talented Mortals to cultivate. 

They have a bright future ahead of them. There is heaven-defying that could make a mortal cultivate. It is a prized possession because even with a chance of it happening, they could procreate a child that is a mortal.

The 4 factions, including even the Buddhists, use their chance. The Path of Heaven this time was not only for the Heaven Chosens and Talents to duke it out with each other, it was also a political struggle that could tilt the Eastern Continent.