World Tree Formation

Chapter 58

Hong Tianya opened her eyes. Seeds floated above her and created a formation. Those seeds are interlinked with her intent. Something ordinary practitioners would never have imagined and pulled off.

A formation she had created and developed. It was her trump card for stronger opponents.

Yun Haoran even uses it for the Divine Runes which Fate Formation is creating. Although it was still of a low quality, it had limitless potential to become something.

Hong Tianya in the future could wave her hand and a World Tree would appear.

Those formations began to proliferate and created an image of a Tree capable of holding the Universe itself.

It combined the power of the fake World Tree seeds. It is mighty and overpowered, with strong attacking power and defense.

Yun Haoran 'writes' the ideas while Hong Tianya 'draws' them. It is not because he was suck at drawing things but because Hong Tianya gave 'Life' to the one he wrote.