Wounded Yun Haoran

Chapter 85

Yun Haoran looked at the surroundings, he was not cultivating but instead in a swing, resting. This form of rest is about being one with Heaven and Earth, being as normal as one can be. It is to understand the simplest form or become natural with the surroundings.

It was the best thing he could do right now because of the pain he was enduring.

There are 12 golden wheels at his side, absorbing the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth. Those Qi had been absorbed by the World Tree for another reason.

He stood his upper body and then an unexpected thing happened…

"Cough, cough." He coughed up blood as his orifices had blood dripping out from it. His body had scars or wounds forming as his blue robe had been tainted with blood. The blue robe's mechanism cleaned the robe as it was in the constant mix of blood and blue or only blue at all.