Her Heart Demon

Chapter 88

Elder Gold Sword looked at Yun Haoran while suspended in the air. He has a calm look on his face while there are no wounds on his body but his orifices have blood coming from them. It was because his insides were the ones having pain but it was not bearable for him.

"Reckless but prudent this time, are we?" He looked at Yun Haoran while thinking about his recklessness, the recklessness with a plan; he would not gamble on something he is not assured he will win.

However, if he gambled while not assured he would win, it is about him going against his very nature and trying to win with his life on the line.

His disciple's views, ideologies, and philosophies are complex amalgamations; he is either someone who had no clear view of life or he saw the world in a different light. He may have a madness or he was on a fine line between sanity and insanity.