
Hello Author here.

The Sovereign of True Immortality will be on a Hiatus or straight up discontinued. Thank you for the support everyone.

It is not about the plot because I know the plot well enough I can summarize them. Well, there are three endings I can think and a final not expected.

I wanted to expand my vocabulary, fix my grammar and improve my storytelling because it sucks. There are times when I don't know what to write or what had happened to the flow. I had written because there is a story in me I wanted to show

The three months I have written is by far the most stressful and yet an amazing journey to find a story within me. Though it is too peaceful (the world will be chaotic though.) and the people there are too smart in their own way (it is a cultivation world.)

Yun Haoran is the character I wanted to create for how he was the incarnation of Freedom but he is a complex character. I find him boring for the most part and I cannot nerf him (well, he will have his match because the timeline will be too different, he needs to become better and create another path towards the Sovereign stage.)

That's all and thank you for the support.