Poking His Soft Cheeks

Nicholas wasn't in a good mood when he left. But his mood was still turned slightly better when he thought of how that young lady would be kicked out of her own house. Where would she go?

At that moment, she would surely come to him and beg for mercy. Only then would he reluctantly let her off.

The thought of his enemy begging for mercy gave Nicholas a slight pleasure that removed the utter bitterness from the depths of his heart. He leaned against the back of his seat, staring at the scene outside the window with a cold, but composed expression on his face.

But as they drove closer to the main villa, he didn't know why, but Nicholas felt like something bad was about to happen, or it might have happened already behind his back. He couldn't shake this feeling off as they finally stopped in front of the main gate.

He shook his head and waited for the guard to open it, but unlike the usual days, the guard didn't move. The man only stood on the other side with his head lowered.

Nicholas frowned as a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes. "What happened?"

The driver, who could witness the scene inside the gate clearly, didn't know how to answer. In front of him, Mrs. Harrison was still hell-bent on destroying the garden with all her heart and soul. The woman didn't even notice the presence of a new car as she threw another vase on the road, making its pieces scattered all over the place.

The entire garden was a mess, but the driver didn't dare to stay silent for a long time. He finally managed to gather his courage and said, "...It's Mrs. Harrison."

"What did she do?" Nicholas's voice was laced with coldness as his aura turned darker.

Even the driver shook in fear. Despite everything, there was a reason why everyone was afraid of this person, Nicholas Harrison. This young man was rumored to have connections deep into the underworld, and some people even said that he was the youngest right-hand man of the current mafia boss, killing several people with his gun in his teenage years.

Of course, even though it was just a rumor, no one dared to go up against him, and all his subordinates were truly loyal to death, fearing that if they dared to go against him, they would die. But even if the driver discarded those rumors, he knew that Nicholas as a boss was utterly ruthless.

In the past, there was an employee who was sent by the competitive company to the Harrisons to spy. When he was caught, Nicholas not only kicked him out, but he made sure that the poor spy wouldn't be able to get any kind of job, even as a janitor anywhere in the entire world. With no option left, the spy could only turn to Nicholas, who again kicked the man out the second time.

Now, that spy was begging on the street and eating food from the garbage. No one dared to give him a penny and never will.

And this wasn't the only case. Nicholas had again and again managed to remain a fearless boss in the eyes of his subordinates. So how could the driver not fear his boss?

He looked at Mrs. Harrison with a trace of sympathy in his eyes.

Ah, this lady is dead for sure.

Nicholas didn't continue to wait for the driver's reply. He directly opened the door and walked out, glancing at the scene behind the gate with his cold, ruthless eyes.

On the other side, Abigail finally calmed down after venting her anger to the depths of her heart. But when she took a deep breath and looked around, her expression finally cracked.

Oh God! What did she just do?!

Oh no… she was supposed to save her husband, not face his wrath! It was the first night after getting married! How could she turn into such a selfish bimbo who destroys other people's gardens?!

No… wait a minute.

She was Mrs. Harrison now. She could technically destroy this garden.

Being a wife, even though it's only in the name, means whatever your husband owns is yours. So this garden was hers to destroy too. Why should she be worried?

She could destroy all she wanted!

All of a sudden, a hint of excitement burst forth in her heart, making her face blossom with happiness. So much so that within the matter of a few seconds, she changed from a raged woman to a terrified young lady and suddenly, she started to laugh.

She even deliberately walked over and stomped onto the vase as she opened her mouth and yelled, "I AM MRS. HARRISON!!! I CAN DESTROY THIS GARDEN! WHY YOU ASK? BECAUSE IT'S MINE!"

Nicholas felt the corner of his lips twitching. But before he could react, the lady burst out laughing hysterically.



The driver silently looked at his boss, full of fear for the lady. He didn't want to meddle. After all, they just got married despite the circumstances. No matter what, his boss wouldn't just go and kill the lady in front of everyone, right? The boss also had to keep up with the pretenses.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw his boss raising his hand and waving to him as if ordering him to shoo away.

The driver instantly turned off the engine, left the car in front of the gate, and practically ran away.

If he stayed there any longer, he might end up getting killed!

At this time, even the guards didn't dare to breathe loudly. They only watched as the lady laughed loudly, kicked vases and jumped on them like a little girl. They scooted away from the gate for fear of facing their boss's anger.

Abigail didn't know what kind of doom was awaiting her. She was happily jumping and stomping over the vases and bushes on the side when she suddenly felt someone grab her wrist.

"Hey! How dare you-" She abruptly stopped speaking upon seeing the person standing in front of her.

The eye candy has returned.

And he was looking at her with his cold and icy gaze.

Abigail's heart thumped in her chest as she raised her finger and gently poked the man's cheeks.

En. They're soft, softer than what she had imagined. Nicholas Harrison, the character she had created, was as real as those soft cheeks!