I Want To Spend More Time With You~

Abigail's eyes widened as she looked at her own cold hearted… no scratch that. He was actually willing to recognize her in front of everyone?!

How could such a person be cold hearted, ah?!

Of course, she knew his underlying reason must be entirely different from what she thought, but the fact that the man finally recognized her meant a step forward, didn't it? What's more? A character she lovingly created and had to face the heartbreak of killing him early was recognizing her, finally!

Her eyes shone brighter than a tube light as she looked at the man, too excited to say anything. So she just stood there and giggled like a fool. The entire scene was too funny, but the more the audience watched the duo, the more frightened the staff member became, especially the receptionist.

The slap on her face was so hard that she was stunned and paled upon seeing the woman again. Her entire being trembled upon seeing her own boss.

She was done. She knew she was dead.

She actually treated the CEO's own wife terribly and even ordered the woman to be chased by the guards and kicked out like a piece of garbage! What a blunder! The boss would surely kill her today!

As expected, Nicholas opened his mouth and asked, "Now, who ordered her to be kicked out?"

The receptionist paled upon hearing those words. Her eyes moistened with tears as she fell to her knees, shaking in fear. Her reaction was basically a confirmation that Nicholas needed.

The corners of his mouth twitched as he took a deep breath. He didn't really want to do this to his loyal employee for a reason as stupid as this, but he also wanted to make sure everyone considers him and Abigail a perfect, loving couple. Only then would his plan become successful.

In any case, he wasn't some soft-hearted, kind guy to change his plans over a useless employee who couldn't even finish a job perfectly. If she were that good, she would have kicked Abigail out without him stepping in this mess.

Nicholas looked at the guards. Without even needing to be told, the man at the door moved and walked toward the receptionist who had fallen to the ground. They dragged her away immediately, but before they could step outside the building, a female voice stopped them.

"Wait." Abigail's eyes narrowed as she looked at the girl and turned toward her husband, glaring at him immediately. "Is that how you should treat your employees?"

Nicholas felt the corner of his mouth twitching again for the second time. He was already suppressing the urge to flip a table because of this woman, and now, she was even trying to get on her nerves. What did she think he was, a saint?!

He still pressed his lips together in a thin line and asked coldly, "Then what should we do?"

"Of course, forgive her!" Abigail felt like she had become a hero or something who was playing a 'good guy' role in this lobby, and she felt particularly happy about it. Her chest puffed up in pride as she looked at the receptionist with a gaze filled with excitement. "Let her remain here and continue working until she leaves."

Nicholas took a deep breath and repeated under his breath, "You're doing this for the sake of a living shield, for the sake of making your enemies lose their guards and pick on a useless piece of sh*t in my place. I'll get back on her when we are alone."

After repeating that sentence quite a few times, he finally stretched his lips to form a cold, heartless mild smile and said, "So be it."

Abigail was so happy that she jumped in joy. What the heck was happening today? First, her husband decided to accept her in front of everyone else, and second, he even listened to her advice and actually decided to keep the receptionist!

Did the sun come out from the west today?!

Of course, deep down, she knew that this man must have his selfish reasons, which were definitely against her, but she wanted to bathe in the beauty of the day. She grinned and said, "Thank you, dear husband!~"

Nicholas nodded stiffly. Why did he feel like he lifted a stone and hit his own foot? He still forced himself to act like a 'loving husband' and said, "You should go home. I'll eat the lunch you sent."

Like hell he would eat that. Even though he knew it was probably prepared by his servants, he didn't want to touch the thing this vile woman had touched. He would ask his assistant to throw it in the dustbin later.

"Next time," Abigail was really pushing her luck by talking back to the man, "please reply to my messages. Otherwise, I might end up coming in a bathing robe."

"I was in a meeting, honey." Nicholas cringed at the word he forced himself to say. "Alright, the driver can drop you off."

Abigail's eyes squinted for a moment as she said, "But I want to spend more time with you!~"

No matter how much of a fool Abigail considered herself, even she could tell this young man was acting like this because they were in the public. So long as they stayed like this, he would continue to speak cringy words.

She stubbornly wanted to stand right here and reap some benefits for herself. That's all. She even secretly turned on the recording mode on her phone earlier to record the man's nonsense.

Hehe, it would feel too good to force her husband to listen to it later!~

How could Nicholas not know what his 'wife' was planning?

He glared at her from the point where no one was watching. She was pushing her luck so bad that he almost wanted to laugh out of anger.

His fingers clenched to form a fist as he forced a sentence through his gritted teeth, "Then, let's go to my office and have fun."

Abigail was almost scared off by his fierce glare. She chuckled nervously and said, "Now that you insist, I must go home early. I'll be waiting for you at home." Nope, I won't. Just kidding, but not before angering you to death! So she leaned over and kissed his cheek, even winking at him arrogantly and said, "Bye, bye, baby!~"

Almost immediately after speaking those words, she turned around and bolted out of the lobby, practically running away from the man's angered face.