This Is My Villa!

His bedroom was empty, which meant that the girl went to her room for sure. At least, the two of them agreed on something. Neither of them wanted to spend time beneath a single roof.

Not his problem. Since she wasn't here, it wasn't his problem anymore.

He scoffed as he entered and was about to close the door when his mother put her hand on the door, saying, "Still not listening to me?"

On the other side, Abigail finally calmed down after reaching her bedroom. She wiped her face and frowned.

What the heck was wrong with her? To think she would break down like that in front of Rosa out of all people. That was so embarrassing!

She groaned and put her face in her palms. She would have to exercise caution from now on, otherwise, everyone in this world would start considering her a mad case too! What if they sent her to the mental asylum all over again?

No! She didn't want to be shut inside four small walls anymore! Now that she got a taste of freedom, she didn't want to return to what she was before.

She instantly realized something at this moment. She wasn't a single bit regretful entering this place accidentally. Whether it was a dream or not, she still loved the world she crafted for herself.

Abigail looked at the bathroom and thought she should take a bath. So she started to undress. She was only half way through and had only pulled out a hand out of her top when the door was abruptly opened.

Stunned, she turned to look at the door only to find two familiar people standing there, looking at her comical state. Her hands were stuck as she lifted the hem of her outfit, revealing her slender and whitish stomach. It looked so soft that people staring long would want to touch it.

Abigail blinked and asked, "What?"

"Oh, Oh!" Rosa quickly pushed her son inside the room and said, "Nothing! Enjoy!"

Then she shut the door behind her with a thud.

Nicholas, who had ended up finding himself dazed by this sudden onslaught of seduction, returned to himself. He soon realized what he was doing as his eyes widened.

No, what the heck was he doing?!

Staring at this young lady?!

Hadn't he seen enough women in his life?

Then why…. WHYYYY?!

His mom was to blame. After all, she herself entered the door without even knocking.

Nicholas's glare was so fierce that Abigail put her top back in place and mumbled under her breath, "Alright, so no bath for tonight."

"You did it on purpose!"

"Did I?" Abigail suddenly found the man's reaction amusing and walked over, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "What if I did? Hmm?"

Nicholas said nothing and only gave her a fierce glare before he turned around and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him loudly. Abigail scoffed and crossed her arms on her chest, looking at the closed door thoughtfully.

Now that she had calmed down, she was clear about a few things:

First, she knew she didn't want to return to her world.

And second, this was the world she wanted to live the most.

It had been several days since she had started this 'dream.' If it weren't real, she would have long since woken up. Either she was in a coma or something, or she was in her own novel for real.

Since she was already here, why not enjoy her life to the fullest?

A smile formed on her lips. Her dear husband's reaction to seeing her stomach was really interesting. It seemed she had found a new source of entertainment for herself. But not so soon. She would intricately plan this next step. If not, the man would probably kick her out in an instant.

After all, this villa was still his home. So she'd better be careful.

When she thought of everything, she finally relaxed and walked outside the room, wanting to go to another bathroom. But when she found the door locked from the outside. She tilted her head.

Ah, it must be her mother-in-law!

She shrugged and returned to the room. At this time, she didn't even bother changing out of her outfit and simply kicked off her slippers, laying on her side of the bed and covering herself with a blanket.

It seemed Nicholas took quite a lot of time inside the bathroom before finally managing to come out. Abigail could smell the sweetness of his soap from a distance. She sniffed and sighed.

She also wanted to take a bath.

Just then, her cover was lifted as a foot lifted and kicked her out of the bed, ruthlessly. "Get out of here!"

"Hey!" Abigail, who fell to the ground with a thud, rubbed her head and glared at the man. "This is domestic violence! You're not allowed to hit me!"

"So what if I did?" Nicholas spoke in a mocking tone. "Divorce me if you can."


"Oh? You've earned the fifty million dollars I gave your mom in your exchange? So fast?"


Abigail blinked and looked at him and tilted her head.

Fifty million dollars?

She scratched her head and tried to remember if she put such a thing in her novel but failed desperately. She didn't remember anything because she didn't make such a setting in the first place! She had only vaguely explained the contract and left it aside because she only wanted to show how cruel Chloe actually was to her own daughter!

But where did this fifty million dollars come from?! How come she, an author of this world, didn't know about it?!?

Who could tell her what's going on?

"Don't act like you didn't know. We had discussed this beforehand." Nicholas's voice brought her back to the Earth.

"Of course…" Abigail chuckled nervously. "I remember, but that doesn't mean you get to treat me this way!"

Even though she was confused about those dollars, she threw the topic at the back of her mind and focused on the present: arguing with her husband about who gets to sleep on the bed.

But when she thought of that ruthless kick on her back, she fumed in anger as she pointed her finger at the man. "You… I was kind enough to leave a place on the other side, but this is how you reciprocate? By the way, this is my room!"

"This is my villa." Niocholas waved his hand as if shooing away an animal. "Now if you please, I have to go to work early in the morning."

So he's not going to listen, huh?

"Then…" Abigail chuckled and said, "I guess both of us shouldn't sleep on the bed."