Bumping Into Him

Rosa had been anxious ever since she found out about Abigail. She paced back and forth in the living room, constantly throughout the evening. She didn't know how her daughter-in-law was, and how the woman managed to stay all alone in the hospital.

Of course, Asher was there, but he was still a stranger, not a family member. How much could he really do? Rosa was extremely grateful for her nephew for everything he has done.

She should have been the one to take care of her daughter-in-law. No, it should have been Nicholas.

As soon as she thought of her eldest son, Rosa's eyes turned red in anger as her fists clenched.

Everything that has happened until now was only because of her son! If only he had told her beforehand, she wouldn't have missed out on her daughter-in-law's situation!

She took a deep breath and tried her best to calm herself down.