You're Fired!

By the time Nicholas heard about her antics, it was already late afternoon. He was too busy to visit his wife, and now that he visited, he heard the nurses complaining about a particular patient, threatening to jump out the window if they didn't listen to her wishes.

At first, he brushed it off and decided to move forward.

He was here only to see whether that woman was still alive. That's it. It wasn't like he wanted to have anything to do with that woman in any case.

Thus, he continued onward, ignoring the chatter of the nurses. But when they uttered the number of her room, Nicholas's steps finally stopped.

He glanced back. The frown on his forehead made his expression even more serious as he asked coldly, "What did you say about that patient?"

The nurses who were chattering earlier with great pleasure, sharing a gossip, silenced as they exchanged a glance. Then they shook their heads and hurried away.