Thank You!

Early in the morning, before Abigail could get up alone, her door was knocked fiercely as if the person standing on the other side were anxious. She frowned and opened her eyes, looking about in utter confusion.

Then she let out a sigh of relief.

Thankfully, she was still sane.

Thus, she pushed herself off the bed and walked out. The knocking continued and even became fierce as she walked there.

"Alright, I'm opening," she mumbled as she opened the door.

Soon enough, an anxious-looking Rosa entered the door as she said, "Abigail, are you alright?!"

Abigail tilted her head in confusion. What's wrong with her again?

She swore she sometimes felt her mother-in-law was the sick one here and not her.

"What happened?"

When Rosa saw that her daughter-in-law hadn't seen the news, her eyes moistened as she wiped the corner of her eyes and said, "Why don't you sit on the bed first?"