He Did This On Purpose!

Abigail's face turned red.

Sure, she had seen these types of movies while hiding them all from her nurse on her laptop, but it didn't mean she was accustomed to watching steamy scenes with someone else! She would often hide inside her blanket and blush while watching them all.

But right now, all Abigail wanted was to run out of here and hide in her blanket once again!

Ah, Asher must be doing this on purpose, wasn't he?!

Asher also realized this was too much. Thus, he immediately paused the movie. Sadly, he paused at the wrong time when the couples inside the scene were kissing. Both of them were completely naked as their bodies were in full glory.

Abigail instantly closed her eyes as her face steamed hot, making her feel even more awkward than ever.


"Yes, yes." Asher instantly closed it and finally changed the movie into a sci-fi one. Surely, this movie wouldn't have such a steamy scene, right?

"I have found a new one."