Where Is She Sleeping?

Of course, how could Asher agree to her words so easily? He instantly refused. "No way! She can sleep closer to the window. The view is better."

He wasn't lying. If Abigail felt insomnia, she could just stare outside the window as the moon hung into the sky surrounded by clouds and stars. It was a beautiful view, for sure. A person suffering from insomnia would surely feel relieved after seeing this scene outside just by lying on the bed.

But the ones sleeping in the inner beds away from the window wouldn't be able to witness such a beautiful scene.

Nicholas found that ridiculous. Why would Abigail, the woman who wreaked havoc in his life and others too, make sure that no one could have a peaceful sleep at night… Why would such a girl have insomnia in the first place? Ridiculous.

He looked indifferently at Asher and said coldly, "She's sleeping in the middle."

"Near the window."