I will?

Abigail just realized what she had done and facepalmed herself.

What the heck was she doing?! They were just filming, ah! Why did she have to be jealous?

No, the main point was, why was she getting jealous for such a reason?! She didn't even like Owen like that!

Abigail spoke stiffly, "I'm sorry. I'll continue."

Susan nodded with a smile on her face. "That's good. Ready, everyone? We will shoot the last half of scene 237. Camera 21, get ready. Action!"

Abigail hid behind the bushes on the balcony like the structure everyone had created. There was even a green screen on all her sides to create a terrace-like scene to make it look like they were on the twelfth floor.

When the two people inside received the signal, Rebecca and Owen started their performance. His expression suddenly turned soft as he stared at the lady, who leaned toward him and started cleaning up the wound on his lips.

"Jasmine," he spoke in his deep voice, "You-"