You're Going To Die

Before Abigail could feel excited, Asher added, "But I don't believe you."

"Wha…." Abigail's mouth opened agape as she stared at him, stunned. "But you just said-"

"To shut you up. Now get out."

As Abigail walked out with her shoulders hunched down, looking a bit sad, Asher continued to stare at her with his hands in his pockets. His handsome face had an indifferent expression on his face.

He knew he was a bit rude to her, but what else could he do? He didn't want to vent his anger out on Abigail. In fact, he still quite loved her from the bottom of his heart. His heartbeat still continued to thump louder whenever he was standing closer to her.

A sigh left his lips as he turned over, pressing his finger to the bridge of his nose, looking all exhausted. He didn't know what to do anymore. Should he continue to chase after Abigail?