I Can't Lose You Too....

On the other side, Abigail had already sat on the backseat of the car as Nicholas entered beside her. Then he ordered the driver to get them directly to the airport.

Since something like that had happened, it means staying in this country was very dangerous for his wife. He would take a return plane as soon as possible. In any case, he had already booked the tickets.

As for the police case here…

He planned for his assistant to deal with everything. Abigail was already troubled as is. He couldn't let her continue to face even more troubles by staying here considering her emotional state as of now.

Just as they were going in another direction, Abigail turned toward him and asked hurriedly, "Where are we going?"

"We are returning." Nicholas wasn't a man of many words. So he didn't feel the need to explain every single thing to the woman.