I'll Take Care Of You

Abigail's transfer was arranged quickly without any delay. Owen knew that the old woman was dangerous, and thus, he didn't want to waste any more time in this ordeal.

She remained silent throughout the time so much that it troubled Owen. Even though he knew she couldn't speak anymore he had at least expected her to look at him with a trace of hope in her eyes.

But her eyes looked empty as if he were looking at someone who had given up on living ever again. His heart sank upon seeing this as he glanced at the woman sitting beside him in the car and averted his eyes.

Right now, they were headed to the main office of his private firm that he had created to help criminals with mental issues. Of course, he didn't intend to go there anymore, but for the sake of Rosa, he decided to go in that direction for a while and take a longcut down his village.

Then, he would explain to Abigail after they reached the place.