Chapter Eight

Joe drove inside the building immediately. Mark opened the gate and stopped at the front of the house. Shortly after he stopped, John opened the car for Joe and also went on to open for Bianca. Joe came out of the car, handing over the key to him and then indicated with a gesture of hand that some items were inside the boot. After giving out the instruction, he walked to the main building alongside Bianca who was engrossed in staring at her new android phone. Before Joe could open the door, a figure opened it for him gently and carefully. Joe was shocked to see Esther.

"Honey, how are you? I have really missed you, love!" Joe said, hugging her tightly.

"Love, it has been a long time. I have been quite busy attending to my client. No space to have a proper time to discuss with you," Esther responded.

Esther had a round face and a dark complexion. She also had a pink, tiny-sized lip, a little, aqua-lined nose, and a small, whitish eye. Due to her lips, some questioned if she could consume an entire egg without her lips being torn. She had a little voice, was willowy in appearance, and had an attachment on her head that was maintained in a bob style. As she speaks, one may assume that because of how little she sounds, her character should be as gentle as a dove. That wasn't the case, though. Her age was younger than Bianca, but no one would believe that, because Bianca had a baby face, compared to Esther's face, which was older.

"Dear, this is my love," Joe said, withdrawing from the embrace and facing Bianca, "The person who stands with me through all the storms and difficulties, a solid rock on the foundation of my success on campus. I really love her the way I love myself. Her name is Esther, please welcome her."

Bianca was astounded by the situation. An unexpected delivery like this was not what she had anticipated. She was at a loss for words, and even if she had something to say, where would she begin? She, in short, lacked creative ideas. She didn't expect this to come out so suddenly, at least Joe would have prepared her for it. But she managed to speak out.

"You look beautiful, Esther. I am glad to see someone like you today. Thank you for coming around." Bianca spoke out

"Love, what would you say to her?" said Joe.

"I don't really know what to say to her to be sincere, Darling," Esther reacted.

"Just say a word to her," Joe pestered.

"Alright," she started, "Welcome, my dear, to this wonderful house."

"I am really happy to hear your voice," Bianca said, trying hard not to lose her voice.

"I love this, I indeed love people who are friendly to themselves like both of you…."

"Bae leave that statement alone," Esther interrupted, "Do you know that you made me angry for not picking my call."

"Darling how?" Joe asked, looking surprised.

"Come to the sitting room," Esther beckoned, "Young girl, you can go to the room. Your attention will not be needed now."

"Bae, wait, let me talk to her," Joe said, almost going back.

"Come here," Esther voiced out, dragging Joe's hands.

"Calm down, we haven't eaten," Joe responded, "Is Lucky in this house?"

Fortunately, when Joe and Esther said his name, they both walked out of the kitchen to greet him. Meanwhile, several thoughts were going through Bianca's mind. She remained oblivious to what Esther and Joe were doing as she fixed her attention on her phone.

"Welcome, Sir," Lucky greeted.

"Hope the food is ready?" Joe inquired.

"…yes sir, but it will not get to madam," he answered.

"I hope you are cooking another pasta."

"Yeah," Lucky replied, "It is almost done."

"I trust you," said Joe.

"That one you've cooked, bring it for my Love and I, then prepare that one for the young girl," Esther intervened, her tiny voice which was supposed to make someone feel bold, aggravated fear into the mind of Lucky, to the extent he was very mindful of not getting into her trap.

"That is impossible, she would be eating with us. Don't separate the food at intervals. Lucky, I hope you heard me, right?" Joe spoke out.

"With all due obedience, sir," Lucky responded, bowing his head to the floor.

Esther gave Joe a harsh look. Joe didn't take the emotion on her face seriously. He just put his hand over her face and led her into the living room.

Bianca, on the flipside of things, noticed that they had gone to the living room, she looked at the living room, nodding her head in disappointment. She wasn't expecting this type of disgrace, as she referred to it. She knew within herself that she already had feelings for Joe. But was she the right one for Joe? Her personal answer was, No. Why does she bother about their love affairs since she knew that God sent Joe as a divine helper not as a lover or a partner, so why would she imagine being a competitor with Esther, could she have the posture of Esther or complexion of her in life? Never. This was the thought that flew into her mind as she smiled to herself in a way of encouraging herself to accept the fate. She entered into her room, closing her door when her father's advice came back again, glaring. "You are always a gold, a charming gold to be cared upon." She closed the door of her room, sat down on the chair facing the mirror and opened up the packet of her new android phone and brought out the earpiece. She punched on the radio app, inserting the earpiece into its port, switching channels to her suitability. Shortly after, a knock came on the door, and she ordered the person to come in.

"Hi Bi-bi, your food is ready" Lucky came in.

"Please help me to bring it in here," she pleaded.

"JK told me to tell you that he would love you to eat in the sitting room together with them."

"Lucky, please just tell him I am comfortable eating the food here." said Bianca.

"OK, I will try my best to tell him," Lucky answered, closing the door behind him.

She stopped the channel emanating into her ears, looking at the wall near the big bed. She stood up from the chair and laid down on the bed, feeling more courageous than normal, even though the incident kept on playing in her mind. She controlled herself. She weighed her options, probably with an invisible scale in her mind. Either obeying Joe's request or abiding by her request of staying back in her room, despite her pleas sent to Joe for her to be allowed to eat in her room. In life you allow your decisions to have a certain control of your body, good or bad, that is why you had a conscience to judge every decision you take with your body, this was Bianca's belief. She made her decision of not going to the living room. It might look like an exhibition of arrogance or a certain level of defiance to Joe but that was her decision and was finalized by her conscience who also approved it.

The figure didn't spend any time in determining whether to enter right away or to wait a short while after banging hard on the door. It was Esther.

"I came to give you warning," Esther said, with a reddened eye and a sudden frown on her beautiful face, "If you ever," she continued, "pass your boundary, I will render you useless before you die."

"What do you mean?" asked Bianca, jumping up from the bed.

Esther smiled and then chuckled, "Do you think you can put fear in me? You've missed the track."

"Hey, who gave you authority to enter the room?" Bianca spoke out, her heartbeat increased rapidly.

"Young girl, all this flaring up will do you no good," responded Esther, "All these were the tactics I tried before you were born, and they were of no use. So calm down, do you know my name?"

"I don't care to know that," retorted Bianca.

"My name is EK, so calm down."

Bianca became speechless all of a sudden; that name relieved her of her anger. Many thoughts flew through her mind―are they married? But for how long? No ring on Joe's hand to show for it. What does 'K' represent on the back of their names; JK, EK? Does it mean JEK? What does that mean, or do I look confused?

"You became speechless all of a sudden. I think you got the idea of the name, right?" Esther observed.

"I'm sorry for the manner in which I reacted, my emotions got the better of me." Bianca pleaded.

"Your blabbing and gibberish words got you into a problem, and I am goanna teach you some little lesson." Esther whispered, almost leaving the room.

"But ma―"

The moment Bianca was about to say anything, the door burst open.

It was Lucky's voice that was heard, before the door was opened. Esther expected it to be Lucky but it wasn't. It was Joe. At the sight of him, she smiled, throwing away the anger which had been long there―but Joe wasn't gullible enough to believe her falsehoods.

"Darling, please don't disturb her, she is a nice person," said Joe.

"Why would I do that to a pure friend of mine? I love her, a beautiful girl she is," Esther commented.

"Why was I then hearing Bianca at the top of her voice," Joe observed.

"We were actually playing a game, were we not?" Esther asked, facing Bianca.

Bianca looked stunned, "If not for any other thing, Esther is a damn liar, sent from the pit of hell," she thought within herself.

"Were we quarrelling?" Esther asked again, trying to buy Joe into her fake innocence.

Bianca remained silent because she believed it was preferable to be perceived as haughty than to admit with her lips that she was lying and dispelling any doubt. Bianca was persuaded to follow him by Joe as he drew closer and extended his hand. Esther became enraged right away and was prepared to attack Joe.

"Joe, you'd better become a dog, everywhere I see you," Esther squealed.

When Joe heard what she said, he instantly stopped. He gave her a furious look. On other days, he would have taken it with a smile, but since Bianca, a naive young woman, was around, it cut him like a dagger. But he was a man; a man does not always reply to all words that come out from a woman's mouth, sometimes ignoring them makes them look like a castrated fool.

"Dear, let's leave this place, probably let's stroll around in the car," Joe beckoned to Bianca.

"And then bet it with me, before you get back here to this house, it will have gotten burnt to ashes," Esther warned.

Joe paused once more. He recalled the resources he had used to construct this mansion. Also, the equipment and supplies are worth more than the house's foundation. He was aware of Esther's potential for ruin. Esther doesn't just make a threat; she really follows through on it. The major objective was how well she was able to finish the job and how far it had been accomplished; she didn't care if her life was going for it. He thought to himself about how to calm her ire. He thought of a smart idea. He drew forward and picked her up like a newborn. Esther cherished it. She responded poorly when he attempted to peck her lips.

"I don't allow a dog to peck me," said Esther, trying hard to come back to her feet.

"Love, why are you saying such a nasty word to me," Joe reacted, dropping her to her feet.

"Because your behaviour is like that, bringing a prostitute to this house is your hobby."

"Bianca is not a prostitute," Joe said, "Before I continue, Bianca is the first lady I have ever brought to this house. Apart from you. Now to the main point: Bianca is a good girl, humble and respectful. I understand where you are heading to. She is not a competitor or a rival, you are the one and only―"

"Why did you bring her here?" Esther said, interrupting.

"She was lost among the crowd. Let me spare details for another day. But I really want to take care of her, and send her to a higher level of school. She wished to become an accountant, so let me grant what her heart desires."

"Would she cooperate?"

"She will, I trust her." Joe assured.

Bianca was focusing on the situation. She was amazed and wondered if Joe was truly a man or whether Esther was a man in woman's form. Joe looks like a man under authority, but if that was the case why would the policeman plead after interrogating Joe the other day? Bianca asked herself. Which class does Esther belong to? The threat she gave a few minutes ago made Joe stop all the decisions he wanted to take. God, into your hands' I commit myself―this was Bianca's last thought.

"Yeah, I came to pay you a visit before I get back home." Esther continued.

"True love," Joe said, crossing his arm over her neck, "Please, accept her as a younger sister to you. The two of you should talk to each other, relate with her like a sister. I know a fight will come, but please, you guys should settle it with each other amicably, please and please. Esther, do you agree that Bianca would be your younger sister?"

"Love, if not for any other thing but for what you said, I am accepting her as a younger sister," Esther responded.

"That is why I love to be with a lady like you, you make me feel happy," Joe continued, "Bianca, do you also agree?"

"I love her, I accept Esther as an older sister to me from now on," Bianca replied.

"I have surprise news for you guys," Joe reacted.

"What is that," Esther retorted.

"I will be travelling next week for a law case, and I might probably stay there for almost two months depending on the situation."

"Wow!!" Esther exclaimed, "I wish you a safe journey and the case would be in your favour."

"Amen." Joe responded, piously, "Let's go to the sitting room, to have lunch."

They all went to the living room and to their surprise the food was well arranged, set with water. They all sat down round the dining table eating together.